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Javier Duberti Guillermo complementado en el futuro mediante otros protocolos adicionales. En palabras de Zhang (Deputy Director at the Chinese Ministry of Foreing Affairs) «… the PPWT would be a basis for future steps towards space security and PAROS. By adopting the PPWT the CD could accomplish three goals: no weapons placed in outer space, no use of force against outer space objects and no threat of use of force. Combined with other soft law approaches, the PPWT could make space more secure and sustainable for the future»41. En idéntico sentido Mr. Koshelev (Deputy Director of the Department of Security and Disarmament Affairs at the Russian Ministry of Foreing Affairs) «Russia strongly believes that the pursuit of TCBMs could facilitate negotiations on the PPWT … the development of formal verification measures for the PPWT would be a complex task. As a result, Russia and China proposed that the measures be added later as an annex to the original treaty. Meanwhile, TCBMs will compensate for the interim lack of verification mecanisms»42. proyectar normas de soft law (no vinculantes, como es el caso del Código de Conducta o de la mayoría de las propuestas medidas de construcción y fomento de la confianza). En palabras de Semin (Senior Counsellor, Head of Political-Military Section, Permanent Mission of the Russian Federation to the UN Office at Geneva): «… new obligations, convering the well- 354 establece: «… Each State Party shall take all necessary measures to prevent any activity prohibited by the Treaty on its territory or in any other place under its jurisdiction»38. En este sentido el artículo VI propone que las «… measures of verification of compliance with the Treaty may be the subject of an additional protocol»39. d) En cuanto a medidas de construcción y fomento de la confianza el artículo VI indica que: «… State Parties shall practice on a vo-luntary basis, unless agreed otherwise, agreed confidence-building measures»40. La propuesta es así presentada como tratado marco, el cual podría ser Ambos Estados insisten en la importancia de lograr un tratado interna-cional en la materia desechando la posibilidad, ante la ausencia de este, de 38  Idem. Art. III 39  Idem. Art. VI 40  Idem. 41  UNIDIR (2011) Conference report. Space Security 2011: Building on the Past, Step-ping towards the Future. Intervención del Sr. Ram Levi. Pag. 21 42  UNIDIR (2011) Conference report. Space Security 2011: Building on the Past, Step-ping towards the Future. Panel 2. Ongoing processes and proposals – next steps. Inter-vención del Sr. Sergey Koshelev. Pag. 14. Revista Española de Derecho Militar. Núm. 100, enero-diciembre 2013

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