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Revista del IEEE 6

289 Miguel Ángel Ballesteros Martín Method for the analysis of geopolitical regions... • Religion: Relation among the existing ones, integrating or separatist currents, political and social influences, current tendencies. • Psychology and character: Expression of the different characters, dominant ideologies, foreseen relations. • Culture and education: Schools and universities, educational system, compulsory education. • Health: Health system, hospitals, health education, epidemic diseases, health in general, health indices. 4.2.3. Economic factor • Generalities: Historical and economic background, economic system to which it belongs, conditioning characteristics (micro and macro economics), general development. Current economy. • Economic system and type of economy: Level of intervention of the State, economic managing organisms, state and private economy, international economic organizations. • Domestic product and domestic income: Gross Domestic Product (GDP) at market prices, Net Domestic Product (NDP) at market prices, GDP at cost of factors, Domestic income, position in the world by GDP and Domestic Income, position among countries within its environment by GDP and Domestic Income. • Distribution of national income: Distribution by production sectors (functional), geographic distribution, personal distribution (Gini Index), mechanisms for redistribution of Income. • Financial and taxation system: Method to obtain financial resources, priority sectors, banking system, fiscal system. • State budget: Analysis of the budget, priority sectors, budget tendencies, contrast with neighboring environment. • Labor relations: Active population, unemployment. • Basic resources: Agriculture, livestock, fisheries, mining. • Industry: Types of industry, location, technological level, defense industry, capital and perishable goods.

Revista del IEEE 6
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