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Revista del IEEE 6

306 Journal of the Spanish Institute for Strategic Studies N. 6 / 2015 Practically 70% considers the MARG good or very good, and only 5% considers it slightly adequate. This assessment is, regardless of the service to which they belong, of the military rank of the surveyed person, of the nationality, or of the region studied. Therefore, we consider the method adequate to reach the objectives sought to facilitate the analysis and follow-up of the geopolitical regions. 7. CONCLUSIONS The MARG method that we introduce in this work is useful to undertake the analysis of geopolitical regions. The empirical research was carried out on 12 different regions successfully. It is thus demonstrated that it is a global method. The method is based on studies of physical (geographic), human, economic, energy, socio-political, historical factors, and the personality of the main leaders (psychology), therefore, we can consider it interdisciplinary. The analysis of all the mentioned factors and their evolution in time, allows us to discover tendencies, and even to do prospective studies with various temporary horizons. The method includes the establishment of predictable future scenarios. The method suggests the use of indicators in each one of the factors, simple indicators, and even starting from them, more complex indicators, created through simple mathematical formulae. The indicators are established through numeric values, and even transforming qualitative variables into other quantitative ones, although most will be quantitative. All of this permits an easy follow-up of the events in the geopolitical region studied. The above mentioned shows that MARG is a method that can be evaluated. It is an open method as it permits including in the study those factors and indicators that may be considered necessary for the aims of each study. On the other hand, the study considers the need to identify that or those factors which are particularly destabilizing, and that are essential to facilitate the follow-up. The method has a scientific character and is realistic, as it is based on reliable data, which guarantee the asepsis of the method in determining the elements that contribute to cohesion, and therefore, to the stability of the region; simultaneously seeking the instability elements, which makes it a realistic method. On the other hand, the great amount of factors and elements studied forces the search for coherence throughout the entire study. This will allow reaching conclusions, consequences, and proposals whenever necessary.

Revista del IEEE 6
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