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Revista del IEEE 6

339 Catalina Ruiz-Rico Ruiz The armed forces and the current model of social... JOURNAL OF THE SPANISH INSTITUTE FOR STRATEGIC STUDIES Catalina Ruiz-Rico Ruiz Professor of Constitutional Law. University of Jaén E-mail: THE ARMED FORCES AND THE CURRENT MODEL OF SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Abstract The Armed Forces are currently developing a model of social responsibility in the fields of human rights, the environment, equality and efficiency, among others. The leadership shown by the Armed Forces in the area of social responsibility stems from the adoption of sustainable measures and measures for modernization in connection with other institutions and administrations while respecting their own singularities. Social responsibility outreach takes place in foreign operations and in national operations with actions that go beyond mere compliance with legislation in force. KeyWords Armed Forces, social responsibility, environment, social clauses, equality.

Revista del IEEE 6
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