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Revista del IEEE 6

456 Journal of the Spanish Institute for Strategic Studies N. 6 / 2015 ESTIMATION PROCEDURE FOR LIFE CYCLE COST IN SPAIN We understand procedure to be the sequence of pre-determined actions that set out how to implement a process. The LCC estimation procedure is integrated into the life cycle management, which itself is defined by standards, specifications and templates. The LCC estimation procedure is very recent in Spain and consists of a stochastic procedure in which procurement alternatives are determined according to certain technical requirements and the LCC estimates are quantified for each. In the decision-making phase, an equivalent measurement is produced for the current cost value of each one and one alternative is selected on the basis of this measurement. In Spain, we have not developed a standard concerning the management of the life cycle as a step prior to drawing up such an estimation procedure. Neither have we referenced other available standards available that could support our work, nor have we established guides, defined processes or drawn up templates. Nonetheless, Instructions 67/201137 and 72/2012 from SEDEF present a procedure for approaching a programme. Instruction 67/2011, despite not defining nor referencing the life cycle and its management, includes an outline of a procedure for estimating the LCC of a system. More specifically, the instruction integrates the set of activities that aim to meet the resourcing needs via the definition, design, production, construction, development or procurement, entry into service, modernisation and withdrawal from service. This process is executed in phases and stages. From the conceptual stage of the process onwards, the estimation of the cost of the solution is taken into account and the LCC estimation is accounted for from the definition stage onwards. It is at the stage in which the procurement option is selected that LCC estimation, using the aforementioned structures, becomes hugely relevant since its assessment will accompany the procurement process right through to the implementation stage. Table VII: Conceptual and definition/decision-making phases of the resourcing process in Spain. 37  SPAIN. MINISDEF. Instruction SEDEF 67/2011 of 15 September, Material Resources Procurement Process. BOD 27/09/2011, no. 189/11.

Revista del IEEE 6
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