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Revista del IEEE 6

460 Journal of the Spanish Institute for Strategic Studies N. 6 / 2015 OTAN OCCAR ESPAÑA 1) Do guides and criteria exist to adapt the standard procedure to a specific case? X x 2) Are specific organisational standards defined: Policies, Product life cycle etc.? X X 3) Are templates defined? X X 4) Depending on the magnitude and importance of the system. Are cost units formed and integrated into the project or are cost analysts assigned as part of the team that is integrated into the project who coordinate with the leader of the programme, users, engineers, etc.? X X * 5) For larger systems, before beginning an estimate, when planning the LCC calculation, is a cost estimation requirement document (CERD) drawn up? X X Is it necessary for all participants in a process to agree about its initial content? X The requisite information included in the CERD is: X X A) Purpose of the cost estimation, time to carry it out and data accessible. B) Acknowledgement, costing boundaries determine the cost elements to be included in the study. X X C) Input data for the estimation such as: X X * - Technical description of the system, consisting of a general vision, its main characteristics and components, the technology used, similar existing systems. Important point given that there are a large number of items that must be acknowledged prior to carrying out the estimate, e.g.: Life of the system (this will vary depending on the degeneration of the system, durability, requirements, specifications etc.), operation and upkeep stage (O&U), inflation indices and exchange rate, constant/common currency, conditions of peace/war (usually reflect peace) and scope of the estimates (interfaces with other systems, integration into platforms or other systems, etc.). X X * - System duration, system quantity. Defining programme and system content: is an adequate practice for defining the content of a system (for instance: system characteristics, programme timetable, staff required for operation, support concepts such as maintenance, software or training, special support such as infrastructure or other special aspects to be taken into consideration). X X * - WBS. X X X - Speciality of staff controlling the system, training needs, etc. X X * - Operational concept, operation scenario, operational support elements, sustainability considerations. X X * - Deployment, areas, estimated duration. X X - Integrated logistical support process: concept for maintenance, reliability, maintainability, specific spare parts, facilities for specific maintenance work, fuel consumption and other supplies. X X - Procurement timetable. X X X - Procurement strategy: Industrial scenario, multinational scenario, software and information, etc. X X X - System verification and evaluation. X X - Any prior costing estimate. X X / D) Supporting documents required for the cost estimation and elements upon which the estimation is based. X X 5) Preparation of the estimation using pre-established templates, execution of the estimation and documentation of outcome. X X A) Data collection and its analysis that forms the core of the estimate. X X B) Analysis is undertaken by a specialist since this will obtain a structure of basic costs that should be estimated, according to the compilation and analysis of information, the following tasks should be carried out: X X * B1) Is the life cycle model developed analysed? X X B2) Are the WBS and the PBS analysed and reviewed? X X X B3) Is a GCBS developed? X X X B4) Are the cost elements identified? X X * B5) Are appropriate cost estimation methods selected? X X / B6) Are the quantity of work, timeframes and costs estimated? X X / B7) Is review, mapping and calibration undertaken to ensure that acknowledgements and the scope has been accounted for? X X

Revista del IEEE 6
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