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Revista del IEEE 6

477 Review will be built in the coming years, but without falling into the trap of presenting us with unrealistic prospective proposals. The very topical nature of the work also is of special interest. Recent events such as the attacks of January 2015 in Paris, the recent advances of the DAESH, the medium-term repercussions of the incorrectly named Arab Spring, the role of competitive authoritarianism as an alternative to liberal democracy,5 the economic repercussions of large economic investments in Brazil, the political fall-out from the economic crisis of 2008 in the countries of southern Europe, etc. form part of the tale and the interpretation of Núñez Seixas. It is obvious that a work of these characteristics has to have gaps, but the lack of more detailed references to the Sahel, or to events with a key impact on international relations such as WikiLeaks do not detract in the least from its interest. The kaleidoscopic view which the author presents of our recent past undoubtedly offers us an interesting starting point for an analysis of our environment, and a review of our forecasts using a long-term vision: from the present towards the past in order to understand the future. 5  LEVITSKY, Steven; LUCAN, A.Way. “Elections Without Democracy: The Rise of Competitive Authoritarianism”, Journal of Democracy, 2002, 23, 2, pp. 51-65.

Revista del IEEE 6
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