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353 Carlos Barrachina Lisón The Mexican path to a reform of the National Public... According to the SUBSEMUN White Paper35, FORTAMUN is budget item 33’s fund and has the fewest restrictions on its use due to the fact that article 37 of the Fis-cal Coordination Act establishes that municipalities and Federal District delegations must use the fund’s resources for the primary purpose of meeting the following hea-dings: fulfilment of financial obligations; payment for water rights and use; meeting needs directly linked to the public security of citizens, without going into any further detail. Economically speaking, this is a substantial resource. The allocation of money and the lack of supervision and accountability mean that there is no way of knowing exactly how much money is used for municipal public security through the FORTA-MUN fund; neither are the criteria used by the different states to select the municipa-lities known, nor the programmes this fund is used for. However, as of the 2010 Budget of Expenditure of the Federation, the states are obliged to coordinate with the Executive Secretariat of the National Public Security System (SESNSP) to ensure that at least 20% of these funds are allocated to the needs directly linked to public security in the areas of professionalization, equipping, tech-nological modernisation and infrastructure36. Between 2010 and 2015, as will be shown further on, 20% of these funds is equal to 62,623,000,000 pesos37. SUBSEMUN The «Subsidy for Public Security in Municipalities and Territorial Boundaries of the Federal District» (SUBSEMUN) is r to safeguard the rights and integrity of its citizens and preserve public freedoms, order and peace, in line with the Programmes of National Priority»38. 35  SESNSP. SUBSEMUN White Paper. Subsidy for public security in municipalities and territorial bounda-ries of the federal district. Mexico: SEGOB, SESNSP, 2012, p. 52. 36  DOF 07-12-2009 «Budget of expenditure of the Federation for the fiscal year 2010»: 37  This means that despite not being able to give the exact amount of money allocated to security aspects since its creation, it is probably greater than the amounts presented in this paper. 38  More specifically, according to SESNSP. SUBSEMUN White Paper. Subsidy for public security in munic-ipalities and territorial boundaries of the federal district. Mexico: SEGOB, SESNSP, 2012, p.14, the following specific aims are set out: Strengthen the factors for the protection of the population through preventive compre-hensive and coordinated interventions by public, private and social institutions; Promote a policy that will in-fluence the socio-cultural contexts in which risk factors develop that foster violence and organised crime before the events that set this off have a chance to occur; Increase the levels of security and trust called for by citizens through the implementation of uniform evaluations of confidence monitoring; Strengthen professionalisation through the establishment of a professional service of police career, as well as equipping public security depart-ments in municipalities and Federal District territorial boundaries; Support the construction and improvement of municipal public security installations in order to have the necessary and adequate infrastructure to carry out police operation and functioning in municipalities and Federal District territorial boundaries; Promote the

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