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354 Journal of the Spanish Institute for Strategic Studies Núm. 8 / 2016 Table 3. Number of SUBSEMUN municipalities by country zone; and federal and municipal resources invested in pesos. Resources allocated to Federal Funds and Subsidies (2008-2015). Source: Prepared by author based on data from the SUBSEMUN White Paper (2012), and on the agreements signed bet-ween the federation and the states for the years 2013, 2014 and 2015. In Mexican pesos. The SUBSEMUN is to be used for professionalisation, equipping of public security agencies, improvement of infrastructure of corporations, and social crime prevention with citizen participation, as well as police operation from 2009 and 2010. Since it came into existence, the individual subsidy has never been lower than 10,000,000 pesos, except for in 2008 when it was 9,000,000 pesos, and it has never exceeded 95,000,000 pesos except for in 2008 when the maximum amount was 104,000,000 pesos39. In the XXXIII Session of the National Public Security Council40 that was held on 2 August 2012 approval was given to dedicate 20% of the SUBSEMUN funds to «Social prevention with citizen participation» projects, and the obligatory projects for benefi-ciary municipalities were determined. The projects were the following: local diagnosis of the social contexts and processes of violence and crime; violence and crime social prevention plan; training of public officials in public safety; accident prevention and violent behaviour generated by youth alcohol and drug consumption. SPA The consolidation of accredited police units in the federal entities is the most important aim and pillar of the measures discussed in this paper. The main problem identified as regards the security forces in the federal and local entities was the excessive number of municipal police forces without any real capacity for operations, and the lack of professionalism and career conditions both within state police forces as well as municipal ones. supply, exchange, systemisation, harmonisation and update of the technological and telecommunications infra-structure of the National Public Security System. 39  The funds from this co-participation have been used for different things: in 2008, they were used for salary adjustments for police officers; in 2009 and 2010, to improve working conditions, police operations and crime participation with citizen participation; in 2011 and 2012, for salary restructur-ing and standardisation, improvement of working conditions and social crime prevention. 40  Activities Report by the Executive Secretariat of the National Public Security System for the period De-cember 2011 – June 2012. XXXIII Session of the National Public Security Council.

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