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363 Carlos Barrachina Lisón The Mexican path to a reform of the National Public... understand how to organise and lead corporations, and how to do so within a demo-cratic context. A clear example of this is the change in the professional profiles of the heads of public security at state and municipal level. At the beginning of 2012, of the 32 federal entities, 15 were led by retired or active military personnel, 5 by professional police offi-cers, and 12 by politicians with a different profile. At the end of 2015, 9 were military personnel, 6 police officers and 17 politicians. In the case of the country’s 25 most important municipalities, we can see a similar phenomenon. There is a clear tendency towards a «demilitarisation» of the high com-mands of the corporations, giving priority to personnel with a professional profile. At the beginning of 2012, there were 11 military personnel, 5 police officers and 9 politi-cians; at the end of 2015, only 5 were military personnel, 15 police officers and 5 were politicians with a different professional profile57. As can be seen in tables 5 and 6, the party affiliation of the political representatives is not relevant when determining the professional profile of the political leader of the police corporations, which to some extent shows that it has not been consistent. The states where politicians are in charge of management are the same states in which the public security secretariat and the state attorney general’s office have been consolida-ted into a single institution that in general is called a «fiscalía» (public prosecutor’s office). These politicians have a legal professional profile. Table 5. Professional profiles and party affiliation of those in charge of public security in the Mexican states and mu-nicipalities. 57  Prepared by author using the websites of the different entities as well as finding out who the people in charge are from newspapers. Source: Prepared by author.

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