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256 Journal of the Spanish Institute for Strategic Studies Núm. 11 / 2018 of Islam. Shi’ism, they argue, will only survive in the framework of a strong state that conceives its protection as its fundamental objective24. Figure 2: graffitis in Tehran referring to the enmity with Israel and US And yet the second question entails an even greater controversy. On the one hand, the supreme clerics25 are allegedly appointed in accordance to the «performing principle» in terms of Marcuse, thus representing the most virtuous men to guide the society26. On the other, this choice is restricted upon the mullahs, which include the Sheikh (non-descendants of Muhammad and wearing a white turban) and the Sayyed (descendants through his daughter Fatima and her husband Ali ibn27 Abi Taleb, the First Infallible Imam)28. While the first class provides a relatively democratic 24  The Islamic Revolution and later the war with Iraq relied on a human capital from the lower classes known as the mostazafin, which emerged as the real cornerstone of the Shiite cause. Thereafter, the revolutionary administration was supposed to be in charge of their welfare, while in practice they are systematically neglected. 25  These are namely the six members constituting half of the Council of the Guardian and determining the compatibility of the laws with the Shari’a. 26  These are often pictured as «obscure characters» in charge of the real decision-making, at the expense of the political administration. In neighboring Turkmenistan, for instance, they are known as zamestitelnye prezidenta (deputy presidents). See:RUBIO-TERÉS, Pedro. «Political elites and state repression in Turkmenistan», Comillas Journal of International Relations, vol. 9, 2017, pp. 62-83. Available at: 27  The particle «Ibn’» means «son of». 28  «Shiite mullahs who are not Sayyeds are known and addressed as Sheikhs; they wear the less appealing white turbans». Actually, it is worth that some tendencies use the term Sayyedis only for the descendants of Husain (Fatima’s youngest son), while those of the older Hasan are referred to as Sharif. Hezbollah Watch. «The Black vs the White Shi Turban 2013». Available at: http://hezbollahwatch.

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