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311 Carlos Alberto Carravilla Gregorio Analysis of the situation of peace and… revisions carried out, and which have resulted in the reduction of troops, have taken place on these dates: • On September 17th 2012 the Security Council, through Resolution 2066 (2012), decided to extend the mandate of the mission until 30th September 2013. Additionally, it authorized a progressive reduction in the UNMIL mili-tary and police force in three phases between August 2012 and July of 201528. • On April 2nd, 2015, the Security Council, through resolution 2215 (2015), authorizes its Secretary General to set in motion the third phase of troop re-duction. A limit of 2,590 military and 1,515 police personnel is established, to be reached by September of 201529. • On September 17th, 2015, the Security Council, through Resolution 2239 (2015), decides to reduce the UNMIL presence by June of 2016 to a maximum of 1,240 military and 606 police personnel30. • On June 30th, 2016 UNMIL handed over security responsibilities to the GRL exactly as stipulated in Security Council Resolution 2238 (2015). • On December 23rd, 2016, the Security Council, through Resolution 2333 (2016), decides that the military presence of UNMIL as of February 2017 could not exceed 434 personnel and that the police presence would be reduced to 31031. In the near future, most likely by April of 2018 once the government handover associated with the general elections of October 2017 is completed, all uniformed personnel of UNMIL shall have left Liberia after fifteen years of service of incalculable value. Due to doubts regarding the capabilities of the GRL and its security forces, the United Nations Security Council plans to have the Rapid Reaction Force of the United Nations Operation in the Ivory Coast (UNOIC), once transferred into the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (UNMISMA), continue to support UNMIL, now without uniformed troops32. It should be noted that UNMIL will remain in the country, but represented solely through its civil components. This decision had been undergoing evaluation by the military commands of UNMIL since the year 2014. In February of 2015, the author was able to interview a high-ranking UNMIL military officer who stated that the high costs of uniformed personnel, and the increasing instability in Mali, would be the two decisive elements when the time came to determine the future of UNMIL. 28  United Nations Security Council, «Security Council Resolution 2066 (2012)», United Nations Security Council, 2012, available at: RES/20662012). Viewed: 10.09.2017. 29 (2015). Viewed 10.09.2017. 30 Viewed 10.09.2017. 31 Viewed: 10.09.2017. 32  Ibid, pp. 5-7.

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