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312 Journal of the Spanish Institute for Strategic Studies Núm. 11 / 2018 Is the government of the Republic of Liberia prepared to undertake security responsibilities for the country? There are serious concerns regarding the capabilities of the GRL, in particular with regard to the Liberian National Police and the Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization, to assume security activities which have been carried out under the responsibility of UNMIL since its creation in 2003. The final report of the Evaluation of the Liberian Peace-building Office (PBO) mentions in this respect that «The UNMIL Transition Planning Working Group points to considerable gaps in the Liberian security sector, especially around such issues as infrastructure, logistics, communications and mobility. The Liberian National Police (LNP) and the Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization (BIN) will be particularly vulnerable as many of the activities currently undertaken by UNMIL will fall to these two security agencies»33. Likewise, Resolution 22239 (2015) of the United Nations Security Council emphasizes «Commending the cooperation between, and significant efforts of, the Government of Liberia and the United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL) to plan and prepare for the 20 June 2016 security transition to the Liberian authorities, expressing concern that the Government has not provided predictable and sustainable funding to shoulder the costs of deploying and sustaining its security personnel and resources throughout the country, including to operate and maintain the LNP and BIN outside of Monrovia»34. This analysis was recently confirmed in the latest Special Report by the Secretary General of the United Nations on the mission in Liberia, which considers that the BIN lacks sufficient means of transport, communication and infrastructure to be able to maintain deployment on border posts35. This generalized weakness, and not only restricted to the BIN, is also endorsed by the aforementioned Special Report when it states that nearly the whole of those interviewed during the mission of the Secretary General to Liberia coincided in underlining the scarcity of resources of the national security services as a risk making it impossible for them to react in the face of any incident related to security, especially in remote areas of the country36. From this it may be deduced that the Government of the Republic of Liberia, which has depended for the last fourteen years on external 33  CARRAVILLA, Carlos. «Evaluation of the Liberian Peace-building Office (PBO)”, United Nations Peace-building Fund, 2015, pp. 11-12, available at Liberia-PBO-evaluation-report-2015-1.pdf. Viewed: 23.05.2016. 34 Viewed: 22.05.2016. 35  United Nations Security Council, «Special Report from the Secretary General on the United Nations Mission in Liberia», United Nations Security Council, 2016, p.10. Available at: http:// peacekeeping/missions/unmil/reports.shtml&Lang=S. Viewed: 10.09.2017. 36  Ibid, p. 7.

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