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264 Journal of the Spanish Institute for Strategic Studies Núm. 12 / 2018 European action in the face of the crisis. Nonetheless, the Commission has now pro-posed a series of actions in this respect71, although it is necessary to stress these and ob-tain clear and efficacious results. Among these proposals are the following: addressing the need for close collaboration between the High Representative and the President of the European Commission in order to guarantee strategic and operative coherence in the policy and strategy of foreign relations, especially with regard to the foreign effects of domestic policies; better use of diplomatic means and of foreign relations at the disposition of the EU, and defense of its interests with regard to domestic policy and international problems; efforts to determine and make known the policies and instru-ments having both domestic and foreign effects and to strengthen their potential in both directions; and finally, ensuring that domestic policies form the framework of analysis of crises, strategic reflection and documents relative to action abroad, whene-ver this is possible and pertinent. FINAL IDEAS Based on the present study, a number of final ideas may be obtained: I. With the end of the Cold War, a clear evolution in the concept of Security was produced, following the rise in new threats and more complex risks. In effect, Securi-ty, from a multidimensional point of view, would come to mean protection of those values essential to the coexistence of the whole of the earth’s peoples, without limiting itself, therefore, to protection of national territory, but rather going beyond this to embrace principals related to the maintenance of peace, respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, economic and ecological solidarity and peaceful cooperation among States.The relational character of all of these bears emphasizing, for which re-ason a unified global response is required regarding them, through the combining of instruments from both foreign and domestic policies. II. This new vision of Security has its own projection upon international peace operations. Thus, within the context of the United Nations, what were peacekeeping operations have become peace operations given the necessarily global nature of response in the face of complex crises requiring the use of the entire range of means available. All of this may be seen with greatest clarity within the context of the EU, since, while the TEU identifies a series of operative undertakings referred to as Petersberg, the evolution of threats and risks tends to clarify, hone and even amplify this typology, fusing tasks belonging to different policies as well. 71  See Doc. COM (2013) 30 final, joint Communiqué to the European Parliament and to the Council, The integrated focus adopted by the EU regarding foreign conflicts and crises, dated 11.12.2013. Revista del Instituto Español de Estudios Estratégicos n.º 12 - Año: 2018 - Págs.: 239 a 272

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