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265 Miguel A. Acosta Sánchez Regarding the scope of competence of peacekeeping... III. The migrant crisis which is so greatly affecting the process of European inte-gration presents characteristics of such a particular nature that it perforce requires a coherent and complete response. This should be effected through what the EU de-fines as an “integrated focus”, in such a way as to focus all policies involved towards a common objective. This inevitably requires clear coordination among all institu-tions in order to avoid useless duplication and to thus achieve a global response to the situation. IV.- Finally, military operation Sophia appears to be a paradigm of “integrated fo-cus”, given that it indirectly assumes competences and mandates proper to domestic policy institutions such as the Space for Freedom, Security and Justice, especially with reference to “border surveillance”. In any case, this situation necessarily requires a cla-rification of competences translated into a modification of the Decision of Creation of the operation; and, as well, a greater and better coordination with the institutions be-longing to domestic security policy, especially the European Border and Coast Guard Agency. Only in coordinated fashion, and taking maximum advantage of all available means, will it be possible to achieve global action in the face of the migrant crisis. BIBLIOGRAPHY -AA.VV., “Las Misiones de Paz de la ONU”, Cuadernos de Estrategia, 1994, n.º 18. -AA.VV., “El Mediterráneo, proceso de Barcelona y su entorno después del 11 de Septiem-bre”, Monografías del CESEDEN, 2003, n.º 59. -AA.VV., “Las Organizaciones Internacionales y la lucha contra el terrorismo”, Mono-grafías del CESEDEN, 2005, n.º 75. -ABELLÁN HONRUBIA, V., “La ampliación del concepto de mantenimiento de la paz y seguridad internacionales por el Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas: fundamento jurídico y discrecionalidad política”, in PÉREZ GONZÁLEZ, M. (Coord.), Hacia un Nuevo Orden Internacional y Europeo. Homenaje al profesor M. Díez de Velasco, Tecnos, Madrid, 1993, pp. 3-26. -ACIMOVIC, L., Problems of Security and Cooperation in Europe, Sijthoff and Noor-dhoff, Alphen aan den Rijn, 1981. -ACOSTA SÁNCHEZ, M.A., “Coopération et Sécurité aux frontières extérieures eu-ropéennes: le cas du détroit de Gibraltar”, Annuaire Français de Droit Internation-al, 2008, vol. 54, pp. 197-225. -ACOSTA SÁNCHEZ, M.A., “Las operaciones Petersberg de la UE y el Tratado de Lisboa”, Revista de Estudios Europeos, 2009, n.º 51, pp. 9-43. -ACOSTA SÁNCHEZ, M.A., La Política Europea de Seguridad y Defensa y la Gestión de Crisis Internacionales – Las operaciones Petersberg, Ed. Dykinson, Madrid, 2008. Revista del Instituto Español de Estudios Estratégicos n.º 12 - Año: 2018 - Págs.: 239 a 272

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