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Journal of the Spanish Institute for Strategic Studies Núm. 12 / 2018 Revista del Instituto Español de Estudios Estratégicos n.º 12 - Año: 2018 - Págs.: 325 a 366 342 of 276 Christian girls from their boarding school in Chibok in 2014, the majority of which have been freed over the years23. In February 2018, Boko Haram again kidnap-ped 110 girls from a state school in Yobe State. Most were freed later, although five died24. The spreading of Boko Haram’s activities towards the land surrounding Lake Chad25 and neighbouring countries Niger, Cameroon and Chad26 provoked a reaction of the latter along with Benin, leading to the formation of a Multinational Joint Task Force (MNJTF)27, backed by the UN and under the auspices of the African Union28. Suc-cessive offensives have weakened Boko Haram and part of the territory has been reco-vered, a fact which—as Professor Echeverría29 rightly points out—may have played in favour of a split into another faction more inclined towards establishing links with the Islamic State and its possible expansion to Central Africa. Currently, organised crime—which existed previously—, violent conflicts and te-rrorism according to jihadist ideals, “constitute a pernicious circle” 30, severely endan-gering the stability of the whole region and putting the actual existence of the states 23  “Boko Haram libera a 82 niñas de Chibok a cambio de la excarcelación de dos milicianos”. El Europapress. (2017, May 7). On centenar-ninas-chibok-20170506222840.html. Date of reference 19/03/18. 24  “Nigeria confirma la liberación de la mayoría de las niñas secuestradas por Boko Haram”. La Vanguardia. (2018, March 21). On nigeria-confirma-liberacion-ninas-secuestradas-boko-haram.html. Date of reading 22/03/18. 25  “Región del lago Chad: La intensificación de la campaña de Boko Haram provoca un fuerte aumento de las muertes de civiles”. Amnesty International. (2017, September 5). On https://www. rise-in-civilian-deaths/. Date of reference 23/03/18. 26  NARANJO, Jesús. “Boko Haram lanza su primera ofensiva en Chad”. El País (2015, February 13). On html. Date of reference 23/03/18. 27  “Fuerza multinacional mixta (FMM)”. Approved by the the African Union. Includes forces from Nigeria, Cameroon, Chad, Niger and Benin. On africa/eventos/article/africa-union-africana-movilizacion. Date of reference 23/03/18. 28  . On lucha. Date of reference 23/03/18. 29  ECHEVERRÍA, Carlos. “Consecuencias de la enésima escisión de Boko Haram para el futuro del grupo terrorista”. Documento de investigación 03/2017. IEEE. Spanish Ministry of Defence, p. 7. On CEcheverria.pdf. Date of reference 19/03/18. 30  DÍEZ ALCALDE, Jesús. “Desafíos de seguridad en el Sahel: conflictos armados y terrorismo yihadista”. Cuadernos de Estrategia 176. Sahel 2015, origen de desafíos y oportunidades. IEEE. Spanish Ministry of Defence, p. 28. On Date of reference 23/03/18.

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