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Journal of the Spanish Institute for Strategic Studies Núm. 12 / 2018 Revista del Instituto Español de Estudios Estratégicos n.º 12 - Año: 2018 - Págs.: 325 a 366 350 were clearly laid, providing greater coherence and efficiency when responding to crisis situations, preventing conflicts, restoring peace and dealing with interregional threats, with financial and technical backing and support in setting up the G5 Sahel Defence College, amongst others. In case of exceptional need in the Sahel, the EU would also be able to resort to the European Neighbourhood Instrument (ENI). As a result of the Strategy’s lines of action and the different initiatives, and fo-llowing identification of the main conflict factors, the RAP Sahel 2015-2020 envisages the need to develop four strategic areas, from an integral perspective and including control instruments: 1. Preventing and countering radicalisation. Drawing up and coordinating pro-grammes that promote social integration in those areas with the greatest risk of radicalisation, dealing with different religious ideologies, the impact of the media and support for local authorities and NGOs. 2. Creating adequate conditions for youth. Identifying indicators to control their education and training, even using own programmes in EU countries, in order to widen the range of employment opportunities, taking into account the signi-ficant population growth and encouraging gender equality. “Investing in youth for a sustainable future” has been the main topic of the 5th AU-EU Summit in November 201760. 3. Migration and mobility. Fighting against irregular immigration and trafficking in human beings, fostering the link between development and migration as a deterring factor. Population growth represents a challenge for food safety while it must favour legal and controlled migration within collective action based on the Global Approach to Migration and Mobility and the Process of Rabat. The EUCAP Sahel Niger mission plays a positive role, Niger being the main transit country. 4. Border management, fight against illicit trafficking and transnational crime. Fostering actions for integral border protection and management, supporting local initiatives in coordination with other international initiatives61. Implementation of the strategy in 2011 coincided with half-time for the period envisaged for the 10th European Development Fund (EDF 10, 2008-2013), which had already allocated 1.5 billion euros to Mali, Mauritania and Niger for help in social domains. The budget allocated to EDF 11 for the five Sahel countries totals 2.47 billion euros, which has enabled many of the programmes already in the pipeline to be adapted to 60  “5ª Cumbre Unión Africana-UE”. On international-summit/2017/11/29-30/. Date of reference 27/03/18. 61  Among others, UNODC and ECOWAS, as well as the EU instruments, as agreed at the European Council in December 2013 and in the declaration of the 4th EU-Africa Summit.

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