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Revista del Instituto Español de Estudios Estratégicos n.º 13 - Año: 2019 - Págs.: 243 a 274 266 Journal of the Spanish Institute for Strategic Studies Núm. 13 / 2019 Evaluation of the model of cooperation in peninsular defense: recommendations Throughout this study, twelve conditions necessary for the success of cooperation in defense have been listed, which it is now necessary to apply to the peninsular project: trust and solidarity; sovereignty (the capability for action); similar strategic cultures; geographic and cultural proximity; number of members (initially limited); countries and forces of similar size and characteristics; downward and upward process; adapta-tions in defense culture, organization and concepts; alignment in defense planning; standardization and interoperability; realism, transparency and serious resolutions; and the participation of Parliaments. Trust and solidarity are considered the most important conditions for the undertak-ing of mixed operations (Rivero, 2017, 2-5). From the declarations at the CLESD, the circumstance of the mixed generation of the EUBG and VJTF forces; the cooperation and exchange of information that exists in the Gulf of Guinea; the joint contribution to the fight against international terrorism in Besmaya, as part of Operation Inherent Resolve; the coordination of efforts in the EUTM Mali and EUTM RCA; as well as the maintenance of common stances before NATO and the EU, are strong evidence of the real existence of this condition between Portugal and Spain. Sovereignty has a special relevance in the peninsular case for several reasons: war-iness on the part of Portugal regarding an excessive economic dependency and the loss of international prominence in favor of the senior EU member (Gómez, 2017, 13-14); the issue of the demarcation of the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) between Madeira and the Canary Islands, due to the Salvage Islands being regarded as an inhabitable area (Fiott, 2015, 49-54, 83-86); or the issue of Olivenza36 (Diaz, 2016, 5 March). Sovereignty being understood as the “capability for action”, cooperation on defense becomes a necessity. Vicinity, shared culture and similar languages facilitate understanding and the success of cooperation. Portugal and Spain currently have converging strategic cultures, as evidenced by: their postures vis-à-vis the CSDP and NATO; their 360º vision and the importance given to the Southern flank; their participation in initiatives such as the Defense 5+5 Initiative, and ongoing mixed operations. However, the existence of exclusive strate-gic interests is a fact (Portugal’s position in the Community of Portuguese Language Countries, independent cities and territories of Spanish sovereignty in Africa), which, if not properly considered, could limit the scope of the common project. The existing asymmetry between the economies and the military capabilities of Spain and Portugal is a reality (Table VIII), which could be limiting because of res-ervations regarding the predominance of the senior EU member, or due to a limited retribution of the junior EU member. As other European examples show, mutual trust 36  Olivenza is considered an international conflict area by the CIA.

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