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Revista del Instituto Español de Estudios Estratégicos n.º 13 - Año: 2019 - Págs.: 243 a 274 267 Bernardo González-Lázaro Sueiras Defense cooperation between Portugal… and understanding, correctly identifying the areas of complementarity, can annul the negative effects of this asymmetry (the examples of Germany-the Netherlands, Bel-gium- France, Germany-Denmark). The flexibility of the peninsular bilateral model permits establishment of a modular type of cooperation, integration and specializa-tion, going forward within the new PESCO project in the EU. PORTUGAL SPAIN RATIO BUDGET 2017 (M€) 2,185 8,623 1:4 Armed Forces Total number of troops 32,992 121,000 1:3.7 Army (Land forces)Exército/ Ejército de Tierra Troops Large Units 18,000 77,000 1:4.3 Intervention Brigade (Brigada de Intervenção) Armored Corps Brigade (Brigada Mecanizada) Rapid Reaction Brigade (Brigada Reação Rápida) Headquarters/LCC (Valencia) SAN MARCIAL Division: 4 Brigades CASTILLEJOS Division: 3 Brigades The Canary Islands Brigade Ceuta Brigade Melilla Brigade Helicopter Brigade (FAMET) Logistics Brigade Sanitary Brigade Navy (Marinha/Armada Española Troops Main ships 9,000 21,000 1:2.3 05 Frigates 06 Corvettes 02 Submarines 01 Logistics Ships Naval Fusiliers Corps (Corpo de Fuzileiros) 01 Aircraft carriers (LHD) 11 Frigates 07 Corvettes 04 Submarines (project S-80) 02 Logistics Ships 03 Transport 02 Amphibious ships Marine Corps Brigade Air Force (Força Aérea / Ejército del Aire) Troops Main means 7,000 20,000 1:2.9 27 F16 06 C130 11 C295 05 P3 Orion 06 EH-101 Helicopters 06 Air Rescue Service (SAR) Helicopters 73 EFA 86 F18 02 A310 12 C130 18 CN-235 18 C295 07 P3 Orion 18 CANADAIR 29 Cougar Helicopters 15 Air Rescue Service (SAR) Helicopters 04 UCAV Reaper Table VIII – Comparison of PORT/SP capabilities Source: Elaborated by the author based on information from the Spanish Ministry of Defense, 2017. National Ministry of Defense of Portugal, 2017. Maintenance over time of strong leadership at the political and military levels (downward and upward process) is essential. At this point, democratic alternation

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