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319 Semester journal of the IEEE Review VI In Chapter 6, Beatriz Contreras Soler addresses the judicial requisites of the limit on the right of access to public information with respect to “The prevention, investi-gation and sanctioning of penal, administrative or disciplinary infractions” set forth in Article 14.1.e) of the LTRAPIGG. Through this process of conceptual definition, it is concluded that the limit embraces a total of up to nine limits, as enumerated in the following: 1) Prevention of penal infractions. 2) Investigation of penal infractions. 3) Sanctioning of penal infractions. 4) Prevention of administrative infractions. 5) In-vestigation of administrative infractions. 6) Sanctioning of administrative infractions. 7) Prevention of disciplinary infractions. 8) Investigation of disciplinary infractions. 9) Sanctioning of disciplinary infractions. In the first place, the concepts are addressed of the “prevention of penal, administra-tive or disciplinary infractions”. As analyzed, one of the judicial goods protected by the cited precept consists of guaranteeing the good outcome of those actions and measures designed to avoid or impede behavior which constitutes a penal, administrative or disciplinary infraction. Following the outlining of the foregoing, study is undertaken of “investigation of penal, administrative or disciplinary infractions” and it is noted that all of the said categories belong to the phase of inquiry, also called investigation. This phase is that within which is carried out all action designed to reveal the existence of the infraction and the circumstances surrounding it. Finally, “sanctioning of penal, ad-ministrative and disciplinary infractions” is addressed. Nonetheless, it should be equally emphasized that the sanction is the consequence or effect of behavior which consti-tutes the infringement of a judicial regulation. As such, as stated in the chapter, it is appropriate to take into account those aspects related not only to the imposition of sanctions, but also to their execution. By way of conclusion and with reference to the specification of the principal judi-cial goods protected under Article 14.1.e of the LTRAPIGG, in the author’s judgment it is necessary “(…) to guarantee the good outcome of those actions and measures designed to avoid or impede behavior which constitutes a penal, administrative or disciplinary in-fraction; assure the good outcome of all of those acts of investigation which may be carried out throughout the phase of inquiry, whether of penal, administrative or disciplinary pro-ceeding; and oversee the good outcome of those acts related not only to the imposition of sanctions applied under the Law, but also to their subsequent execution”. VII Chapter VII, produced by Nuria Romero Santiago, examines and verifies the limits on access to public information associated with the principle of “The equality of the parties to judicial processes and the effective judicial protection” set forth in Article 14.1.f ) of the said LTRAPIGG. Having stated this, the author reflects upon the way in which this limit is articulated in the Spanish Constitution, carrying out a study on Revista del Instituto Español de Estudios Estratégicos n.º 13 - Año: 2019 - Págs.: 307 a 328

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