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26 MAY 2003 62 SOLDIERS LOSE THEIR LIVES IN YAK-42 PLANE CRASH IN TURKEY L Past operations L Current operations 7 MARCH 26 JANUARY ARRIVAL IN AFGHANISTAN OF THE FIRST SPANISH CONTINGENT, COMPRISING 450 MEN AND WOMEN L Turkey. Tango-Tango. Humanitarian aid after the earthquake (August – October). L F.Y.R. Macedonia. Essential Harvest/Amber Fox/Allied Harmony/ Concordia. NATO and European Union missions (September 1999 – December 2003). 2000 L Mozambique. India-Mike. Humanitarian aid after the floods (March – April). L Eritrea. UNMEE. UN observers (September 2000 – July 2008). 2001 L Afghanistan and Indian Ocean. Enduring Freedom. International coalition against terrorism in the wake of the September 11 attacks (October 2001 – July 2004). L Mediterranean. Active Endeavour. NATO counter-terrorism maritime surveillance (October 2001 – November 2016). L D.R. Congo. MONUC. UN observers (November 2001 – 2013). 2002 L Afghanistan. ISAF. NATO multinational security assistance force (January 2002 – December 2014). 2000 2002 ARMY’S FORWARD ECHELON OF MEDICAL CARE IN MOZAMBIQUE Security sentinels ONE thousand Spanish military personnel have acted as observers in peace processes. The first participants carried out their tasks in UN missions in Central American: ONUCA (1989- 1991), which provided support to the peace process in the region and intervened in the voluntary demobilisation of the Nicaraguan Contras; ONUVEH in Haiti (1990); ONUSAL in El Salvador (1991- 1995); and MINUGUA in Guatemala (1995-2003). Spanish military personnel are currently supervising the peace process between the Government of Colombia and the FARC Guerrillas. Spanish observers have participated in various operations in Africa: UNAVEM, to verify the withdrawal of the Cuban troops from Angola; MINURSO, in the Western Sahara; and other operations in Burundi, Chad, D.R. Congo, Eritrea and Ethiopia, Guinea, Mozambique, Rwanda, Somalia, the Republic of Sudan, etc. In Asia observers intervened in EU AMM, a European Union mission in Indonesia, while in Europe, various observers collaborated with the UN and the EU in the development of the new institutions of Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, and Kosovo, and with the OSCE in countries of the former USRR (Chechnya, Georgia, Moldavia and Nagorno-Karabakh). 14 Revista Española de Defensa December 2019

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