

500TH ANNIVERSARY FIRST ROUND-THE-WORLD Ferdinand Magellan set sail Juan Sebastián Elcano in the endeavour but also circumnavigation EXPEDITION SET SAIL YEAR 1519 ISLA DE LOS LADRONES (I. Marianas) RÍO (Río SAN JULIÁN (CABO DE VÍRGENES Estrecho de Magallanes ISLA DE LOS TIBURONES CABO DESEADO H SAN ANTONIO Captain: J. Cartagena Crew: 56 H CONCEPCIÓN Captain: Gaspar Crew:H TRINIDAD Captain: F. Magellan Crew: 62 SEVILLA 10 AUGUST SANLÚCAR DE BARRAMEDA 20 SEPTEMBER 28 NOVEMBER 1520 • Sailing began in the South Sea, renamed. “THE PACIFIC OCEAN” MAY 1520 R • The Santiago was lost, although the crew survived. OCTOBER 1520 R • The San Antonio deserted and returned to Seville. MAGELLAN ON 22 March 1518, King Carlos I reached an agreement (Capitulaciones) in Valladolid with Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan to organise an expedition that would open a new route, sailing westwards, to the Spice Islands. The fleet set sail from Seville on 10 August 1519 with 239 crew members. Magellan died in the Philippines, but the quest continued. Finally, in December 1521, Basque sailor Juan Sebastián Elcano began the voyage back to Seville, continuing sailing westwards. On 6 September 1522, 18 men reached Sanlúcar de Barrameda, having completed the first round-theworld sea voyage in history. Route followed by Magellan. Route followed after his death. Rafa Navarro / RED. Documentation and texts: Esther P. Martínez. Map: 1866 reproduction of Diego Rivera’s Carta Universal (universal map), 1529 (Madrid Naval Museum Archives). Sources: Naval History and Culture

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