

Margarita Robles (centre), flanked, from left to right, by J. Rodríguez, A. Diabaté, P. Bernal and A. Cebada. HOMAGE at the Ministry of Defence The chiefs of the first peace missions and experts in the role of women in peace processes intervened to pay homage to our Armed Forces «OUR Armed Forces are courageous, generous, heroic and capable of giving their own lives without asking for anything in return, and all because they have values and convictions». Thus spoke the ac- ting Minister for Defence, Margarita Robles, during the event that took place on October 3rd last at the Ministry of Defence headquarters, where homage was paid to the Spanish military personnel who have taken part in international missions. The Minister particularly underlined the role of women as agents for change in peace processes. During the event, which was moderated by the acting Minister for Defence, the chiefs of the first missions participated: Lieutenant General of the Air Force (reserve) Pedro Bernal, who was chief of the second contingent of our air detachment at the United Nations Transition Assistance Group in Namibia (UNTAG), and Brigadier General of the Army (retired) José Rodríguez, who was chief of the observers sent to the UN Angola Verification Mission (UNAVEM). Contributions were also heard from Alicia Cebada, Chief of Staff of the Presidency of the Council of State, and Lieutenant Colonel Aminata Diabaté, Chief of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights at the General Staff of the Mali Armed Forces, on women’s contribution to the Peace Corps (see following pages). The event ended with a colloquium where experts and attendees shared their experiences of their overseas missions. NAMIBIA Bernal and Rodríguez recalled both missions, which were coordinated at the end of the 80s in order to find a solution to the military conflict involving 18 Revista Española de Defensa December 2019

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