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Ms. Pramila Patten, or to create mechanisms to document that violence». In her opinion, the Women, Peace and Security Agenda is at stake. However «a Security Council resolution does not allow us to ignore the rest of the documents that recognize the fundamental rights of the female population». Nevertheless, women in conflict areas «remain unheard in negotiation processes, they continue to be raped and there is no justice for them». The Agenda, she pointed out, «tries to build social conditions to guarantee the self-respect of all women. This is the straight path to peace». Elena Tarilonte Photos: Pepe Díaz L AMINATA DIABATÉ «The presence of women in the Armed Forces legitimizes States» CONFIDENCE-BUILDING Among other experiences, Lieutenant Colonel Diabaté shared those gained during the months she spent in the forest with her Army Chief of Staff developing supply programs for isolated populations. «One day we arrived at a village and when the people heard the car engines, the men hid while the women carefully looked out the windows», she recalls. She got out of the car and they gradually got closer. «They asked me if I was a woman and when I said yes, they started to touch me to see for themselves that I was not lying. They told me that the children had never seen a vehicle before, which convinced me that The doctors wanted to carry out medical check-ups of the population, but they refused. «We have never seen them around here and we don’t need them», they said. «We need this woman, referring to me, who has come here to help us». That is why, the presence of women in the Armed Forces is absolutely essential, the Lieutenant Colonel pointed out. «It builds confidence among female population and it gives democratic legitimation to the States». Lieutenant Colonel Diabaté also asked for a greater female presence in peace processes. «We need to include the communities in these peace processes and we cannot do this without women. Their involvement in peace-building is clearly a must», she insisted. She took this opportunity to thank the Spanish troops in Mali for their work. «Your soldiers have managed to avoid terrorist acts», she said. PEACE AND SECURITY Alicia Cebada is Project Coordinator in the Women for Africa Foundation. She is in touch with many organizations in this continent and many have expressed their disappointment in the Women, Peace and Security Agenda. «There seem to be many words, many statements, many action plans, but very few deeds». During her speech, she recalled that women still participate very little in peace processes. Only 8 per cent are negotiators, 2 per cent are mediators, and 5 per cent are signatories. Ms. Cebada noted that some permanent members of the Security Council question the document. The last resolution, number 2467, was adopted last April without unanimity. Those countries that abstained, she explained, «conduct a robust defence of the central role of the State, they oppose attempts to expand the mandates of the Secretary-General’s special representative L ALICIA CEBADA «Women remain unheard in negotiation processes» there was a total absence of the State in that area». for sexual violence in conflict, Only 8 per cent of the negotiators, 2 per cent of the mediators, and 5 per cent of the signatories participating in peace processes are women December 2019 Revista Española de Defensa 21

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