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Managing Editor: Yolanda Rodríguez Vidales. Editor in Chief: Víctor Hernández Martínez. Heads of section. International: Rosa Ruiz Fernández. Art Director: Rafael Navarro. Parliament and Opinion: Santiago Fernández del Vado. Culture: Esther P. Martínez. Photography: Pepe Díaz. Sections. National: Elena Tarilonte. Armed Forces: José Luis Expósito Montero. Photography and Archive: Hélène Gicquel Pasquier. Layout: Eduardo Fernández Salvador. Photographs: Casa de S.M. el Rey, Pascal Gorriz, MAEC, NATO, Ricardo Pérez and Marco Romero. Translators: Gráinne Mary Gahan, Manuel Gómez Pumares, Paloma Muñoz de la Morena, María Sarandeses Fernández Santa Eulalia and Fuensanta Zaballa Gómez. Featured in this edition: Margarita Robles, Miguel Fernández-Palacios and Luis García Montero. Published by: Ministerio de Defensa. Editing: C/ San Nicolás, 11. 28013 MADRID. Phone Numbers: 91 516 04 31/19 (management), 91 516 04 17/91 516 04 21 (editing). Fax: 91 516 04 18. Email: Website: Administration, distribution and subscriptions: Subdirección General de Publicaciones y Patrimonio Cultural: C/ Camino de Ingenieros, 6. 28047-Madrid. Tfno.: 91 364 74 21. Fax: 91 364 74 07. Email: suscripciones@ Advertising: Editorial MIC. C/ Artesiano, s/n. Pol. Ind. Trobajo del Camino. 24010 León. Phone number: 902 27 19 02. Fax: 902 37 19 02. Email: direccion@editorialmic. com/ Photomechanic and printing: Ministerio de Defensa D. L.: M8620-1988. NIPO: 083-15-011-2 (Paper edition). NIPO: 083-15-013-3 (On line edition pdf). ISSN: 1131-5172 (Paper). ISSN: 1696-7232 (Internet). Price: 2,10 euros (IVA included). Canarias, Ceuta y Melilla: 2,10 euros (without IVA, transportation included). Suscriptions: España: 21,03 euros; Unión Europea: 27,04 euros; rest of de world: 36,06 euros. Editorial Board: Yolanda Rodríguez Vidales (president), Esperanza Casteleiro Llamazares, Miguel Ángel Villaroya Vilalta, Pedro Méndez de Vigo y Montojo, Antonino Cordero Aparicio, José Luis Figuero Aguilar, Juan Carlos González Díez, Juan Francisco Arrazola Martínez, Gonzalo Sanz Alisedo and José Antonio Gutiérrez Sevilla. Articles express the opinions of the authors and do not necessarily represent the opinions of the REVISTA ESPAÑOLA DE DEFENSA. The editors of the magazinne are not obliged to correspond with the authors of the contributions or to reply to any unsolicited letters. Cover photo: Pepe Díaz CONTENTS 8 THREE DECADES DEFENDING PEACE The acting Minister of Defence, Margarita Robles, assesses the contribution of the Spanish military to stability and security in the world. 10 Year on year From the first operations in Angola and Namibia to the current ones, the Armed Forces have tackled increasingly complex missions. 18 Homage at the Ministry of Defence The Heads of the first missions and experts on the role women play in peace processes took part in the homage. 20 Women as peace agents Malian Lieutenant Coronel Aminata Diabaté and Alicia Cebada, Head of the Office of the Presidency of the Council of State, talk about women in conflict areas. 22 Lieutenant General López del Pozo The Head of the Operations Command gives his opinion on our military: «They are Spain’s ambassadors and bring remarkable quality to their work abroad». 26 Ongoing operations Currently there are around 3,000 military personnel and Guardia Civil participating in 15 missions in 4 continents. 28 The spanish language as instrument of peace Through the Cervantes programme, Spanish military personnel teach our language and disseminate Spanish culture to the population of countries in conflict. December 2019 Revista Española de Defensa 3 Revista Española de Defensa 3 December 2019

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