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413 Alejandra Álvarez Suárez The collapse of order... CONCLUSIONS As we have previously presented all through these pages the idea of a confessional and Islamic Syrian State in sunna that exerts dominance over other religions is a claim of a social and political segment easily recognizable within the Sunni Islam in this country. This vindication is somehow present all through Syrian contemporary History more specifically at the end of the Ottoman Control over the Levantine Arabic territory. At that time the domestic institutional reforms promoted from Istanbul made all citizens within the Empire regardless their confession legally equal. French politics during the Mandate use “Confessionalism” in their own interest, therefore initiating an strategy that has continuously repeat in Syria´s recent History specially during the Baathist Period and more specifically from 1970 when al-Asad family comes to power. Therefore Sunni vindications have a deep-rooted history due to that fact it shouldn´t be considered a mere topical subject. However the political use of the main sides that currently dispute power in Syria transformed it into an instrument at their service in order to seek new support against their political adversaries (now military) and to promote and ensure loyalty with their allies. Regarding the Islamist opposition, the traditional Sunni vindication, now turned into salafism (and frequently into takfirism) which is now serving the main objective: overthrowing a regime that has been qualified as heretical, anti-Islamic and atheistic. The identification of this Alawism is one the major success coming from the propaganda of the Syrian Muslims Brotherhood. In regards to al-Asad and all those who share the power within the country, the confessional doctrine has sought different strategies that can somehow be considered contradictory: promotion of a humanist secularism that coexists with the most traditional religious organization, the use of propaganda which presents the family within power, as the Sunni Muslims traditionally do, an a calculated ambivalence with all different Sunni Islam tendencies existing in Syria. This strategy that even today uses faiths as an element to maintain or obtain power is now leading to the worst case scenario even though both parts keep on getting benefits. The major consequence is that Civil Society in Syria has been involved in a conflict that although it began driven by social and political reasons, has acquired an undeniable religious background.

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