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431 Javier Del Valle Melendo Water as a strategic resource... hydrological, meteorological, hydrogeological and ecological nature and related to the water quality. Before adopting a measure that might cause harm, the state concerned shall promptly report it, and provide technical data and the results of environmental assessments within six months for the assessment being carried out. No measures shall be carried out without the express consent of the notified states, bearing in mind the provisions on equitable utilisation and the obligation not to cause significant harm. However, the foregoing measures may be implemented without delay when they are required to protect vital interests and public health and safety. • Protection of ecosystems. States shall protect, individually and, where appropriate, jointly, the ecosystems of international watercourses. The convention provides for the obligation to take measures to control the introduction of exotic species that may have detrimental effects on an ecosystem of an international watercourse. However, it does not clarify whether the concept of ecosystem refers to the section of river in each country or the ecosystem of the entire basin. While it may consist of individual river ecosystems in each country, when viewed from the perspective of the interests of the international community, it can be seen as a global public good and world heritage asset which may, therefore, restrict state sovereignty. Based on the importance that the Convention attaches to the protection of the ecosystem, it can be deduced that it is referring to the ecosystem of the entire watercourse. An important aspect in the protection of ecosystems is the preservation of environmental flows; these are commonly accepted as an essential component of integrated water management, particularly for resolving issues concerning the health of freshwater ecosystems, their sustainable development and the equitable sharing of the benefits they provide. The concept environmental or ecological flow has evolved considerably, and is open to multiple interpretations. It generally refers to the obligation to respect a minimum flow in a natural water body so as to maintain its values and the goods and services it provides (drinking water, aquifer recharge, recreational uses, fisheries, etc.).Nevertheless, it is important to point out that merely recognising that the environment is a “water user” is not enough; there have to be organisational, preventive, dissuasive and participatory measures in place to ensure its protection. The Convention has sufficient support; after being ratified by Vietnam in May 2014,33 it officially entered into force on 17 August that same year. Spain had signed the Convention in September 2009. 33 no=XXVII12&chapter=27&lang=e. Consulted in January 2015.

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