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439 Javier Del Valle Melendo Water as a strategic resource... Between 1953 and 1955. E. Johnston, the U.S. ambassador to Israel, attempted to secure multilateral agreements in the Middle East and set up a quota system for the shared waters of Lake Tiberias. The plan was to be developed by an international committee, which was to allocate the water resources equitably, economically and efficiently. Although an agreement was drawn up and accepted by each country’s expert team, Israel and the Arab League refused to sign it for political reasons (they did not recognise the State of Israel). The peace agreement between Israel and Jordan (Madrid, 1991) provided for the creation of a joint water committee, which has helped to settle disagreements over distribution. The committee has continued to meet and work even during the tensest moments. In addition, there is a provisional agreement (1995) between Israel and Palestine, although the latter considers it inadequate in terms of water rights and availability. There is also a general agreement on essential cooperation in relation to shared water resources and Israel’s recognition of the Palestinians’ right to water. In this respect, we should highlight the creation of a joint committee whose resolutions are adopted unanimously, which has therefore led to the deadlocking of projects. Although water had little to do with the outbreaks of violence between the Arabs and Israelis in 1967, 1973 and 1982, it was an important source of political tension and dispute in the negotiations that ensued50. In addition to resolving the border issue, it will be essential to adopt appropriate and equitable formulas if peace is to be achieved in the region. Central Asia Another region where water is scarce is in the centre of the continent of Asia, miles from any ocean and separated from the coast by large mountain ranges that give the region a sharp continental climate. p 7. 50  Kramer A., Wolf A., Carius A., Dabelko G. Managing Water Conflict and Cooperation. Op cit, p 4-5.

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