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444 Journal of the Spanish Institute for Strategic Studies N. 5 / 2015 Figure 9: Satellite images of the Aral Sea area.55 The situation has also caused a reduction in fish catches. The raw material for an important processing industry and exports, catches fell from 50,000 tons in 1959 to 5,000 tons in 1994.56 In addition, there has been a dramatic drop in the biodiversity of the waters and seashores, which have become virtual fossil coasts, kilometres from where the water is today. The Aral Sea is between Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, countries particularly affected by the previously described problems, although the salts and chemicals are carried by the wind within a radius of several kilometres of the lake. The division of the Nile The Nile is the longest river in the world (6,700 kms from the source, the Kagera tributary). The Nile basin is characterised for great geopolitical complexity and growing instability, and marked by natural variety and diversity, poverty (four of the poorest countries in the world share its waters), strong population growth and environmental instability and degradation. 55 de-tragica-sequia.html. Consulted in January 2015. 56  Water, a Shared Responsibility. op cit, 183.

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