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450 Journal of the Spanish Institute for Strategic Studies N. 5 / 2015 Figure 13: Dams built, under construction and planned for the Mekong River.63 In a strategic environmental assessment from 2010,64 MRC concluded that the dams would cause serious damage to the river’s ecological functioning, driving the migratory fish species to extinction (Mekong giant catfish, one of the largest fish in the river) and, hence, causing significant damage to the local economies. The sediment carried by the river would also disappear, thus seriously affecting the recharge of the Delta, which would end up becoming stagnant or begin to recede. In addition, the salinity of the groundwater and soil would increase as a result of the advancement of the seawater, adversely affecting Vietnam’s most fertile lands and, therefore, its economy. 63  Kramer A., Wolf A., Carius A., Dabelko G. Managing Water Conflict and Cooperation. Op cit, p 12. 64  Kramer A., Wolf A., Carius A., Dabelko G. Managing Water Conflict and Cooperation. Op cit, p 12.

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