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472 Journal of the Spanish Institute for Strategic Studies N. 5 / 2015 SPACIAL ANALYSIS OF VIDEO SURVEILLANCE AS A TACTICAL RESPONSE TO TERRORISM AND ORGANISED CRIME TRENDS: CASE STUDY OF MADRID. INTRODUCTION: VIDEO SURVEILLANCE AS AN INSTRUMENT Terrorism, and likewise organised crime, have been evolving as our societies themselves have evolved,1 adapting both to the population upon which they act and also to the geographical context within which they proliferate:2 thereby allowing for the identification of spatial and temporal patterns of behaviour3 that assist us in the neutralisation of their networks. The emergence of jihadist terrorism, first as an international and then a global force, represents the logical and de facto progression of a trend that first surfaced in Spain in the mid-1980s. From this point onwards, national and international terrorism have continued to operate side by side. Even though Islamist terrorism had set its own agenda in the decade prior to this, it was the dawn of a new decade that marked a turning point. The set of networks established in the 1980s began to be fully operational in the last decade of the 20th century. In 1991, on the occasion of the Middle East Peace Conference in Madrid,4 an effort on the part of the Spanish government to reconcile the positions of Israel, Palestine, Syria, Lebanon and Jordan, an attack was planned that would have seen a hijacked plane crash into the Royal Palace.5 This plan, which could have resulted in the Spanish version of the 9/11 attacks, did not seem to generate the institutional interest required for evaluation, diagnosis and prognosis –which, from an applied perspective, entails police work ahead of 1  GONZÁLEZ CALLEJA, Eduardo. El laboratorio del miedo: una historia general del terrorismo. The Laboratory of Fear: A General History of Terrorism Barcelona, Ed. Crítica. 2013. Pp 870. 2  BURLEIGH, Michael. Blood and Rage: A Cultural History of Terrorism. Here: Madrid, Ed. Taurus. 2008. p. 736. 3  NÁJERA BAILÓN, Samuel. Terrorismo y piratería en el Índico: una visión geopolítica. Terrorism and Piracy in the Indian Ocean: A Geopolitical View Madrid. E-prints UCM. 2012 4  Madrid, 30 October to 1 November 1991. 5  JORDAN, Javier. El terrorismo Yihadista en España. Jihadist Terrorism in Spain University of Granada. Web Resource.> 6 March 2014,10:00. 2005, p. 4.

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