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480 Journal of the Spanish Institute for Strategic Studies N. 5 / 2015 In sum, it has been considered that a total of 1,147 cameras are stable, with an average density of 218 cameras per square kilometre, that there are 8.54 cameras per thousand inhabitants (according to data from the municipal population register from January 2014) and that there exists a ratio of 0.044 cameras per inhabitant and square kilometre. These figures vary depending on the neighbourhood in question, displaying the following configuration: Figure 1. Administrative statistical representation of the number of CCTV systems by neighbourhood within the central district of Madrid. Source: prepared by the author The distribution observed along these lines is seen for diverse reasons, in particular social, urban, tourism, economic, political and criminal causes. Although great interest lies in the analysis of multi-criteria correlations, which are able to be extracted from the factors that underpin the choice to install CCTV systems in certain areas, this does not fall within the purpose of this article. In this respect, we must highlight the contribution made by Felipe Javier Hernando.24 24  (a) HERNANDO SANZ, Felipe Javier. Espacio y delincuencia. Atlas criminológico de Madrid Space and Delinquency. Criminological Atlas of Madrid (1983-1997). Ed. Consejo económico y social. Madrid. 2000; (b) HERNANDO SANZ, Felipe Javier. Análisis de la oferta y el tráfico de drogas en el municipio de Madrid desde una perspectiva espacial. Analysis of drugs supply and demand within the municipality of Madrid from a spatial perspective. Universidad of Complutense Geography Annals. Madrid. 2002 pp 281-292.; (c) HERANDO SANZ, Felipe Javier. Atlas de la seguridad de Madrid. Madrid Security Atlas. CISEM. Observatorio de la Seguridad Madrid. 2007.

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