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493 Samuel Nájera Bailón Spacial analysis of video surveillance... CONCLUSIONS Analysing security from a tactical perspective in urban settings is unquestionably a complex task, essentially due to two aspects. Firstly, we are faced with a huge quantity of variables within this field. Such a circumstance obliges us to resort to simplification and, for that matter, to an incomprehensive understanding of the system. Theoretically, in-depth analysis falls to the state’s law enforcement bodies, as laid down in Article 104.1 of the Spanish Constitution. Secondly, and closely linked to the first point, the complexity of research like this highlights the lack of collaboration and institutional transparency. As previous pages demonstrate, this circumstance forces us to generate classifications or methodologies that are mutually incompatible. From a practical point of view and building upon the fieldwork we have undertaken, as well as the documentation analysed, the following conclusions have been drawn: • Video surveillance systems prove to be innocuous faced with de facto, non-preventive security when these are dealt with in an isolated and non-synchronised manner. • The combination of public and private CCTV systems would allow for a control area required in cases of national interest. • It would be vital to integrate the information provided by tactical systems in patrol vehicles, with a view to enhancing the combat of criminal activities. • Given that security of perception may contribute to real situations of vulnerability, we call for the systematic development of procedures that allow for the traceability of any subject/object. • Moreover, analysis of the location and the quantity of police video surveillance systems is required in order to thereby afford greater tactical coverage than is currently the case.

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