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507 Casimiro José Sanjuan Martínez Southern Libano: a key area for security and stability Population of Gadjar The existing dispute with the population of Gadjar presents certain similarities with that of Shebaa Farms. This border town with Alawite population, was also occupied by Israel in 1967. 43 At that time many Israelis moved to Gadjar and both its population and its surface increased considerably but when Israel withdrew to the initial positions, more than half of Gadjar had been divided by the Blue Line44 nevertheless the whole village came under Israeli control. Lebanon claims sovereignty over the territory but Israel refuses to negotiate45 for two reasons; firstly due to the fact that Gadjar inhabitants enjoy the same standards of living (education, health, etc.) than any other Israeli therefore they refuse returning to the precarious situation that the Lebanese villages suffer and secondly due to the water supply coming from Hasbani river. 46 UNIFIL UNIFIL has become a staple for the pacification of southern Lebanon47 although its work is not easy. Neither party has traditionally worked in a consistent manner. The Lebanese authorities have always harbored reservations to the work of the blue berets and Israel believes that there is not enough celerity and severity when it comes to taking decisions. 48 43  E. Samuels. Feb 2011. “An open to peace in Lebanon door.” Document 77/2011. 10. p Accessed June 26, 2014. 44  Nawaf Salam. 30-08-2011. “The situation in the Middle East”. P, 1-2. In Accessed June 26, 2014. 45  Neuhold, Hanspeter. (January, 2001). “The United Nations System for the Peaceful Settlement of International Disputes.” The United Nations, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers. P. 66 Retrieved on June 26, 2014. 46  Fayanás Escuer E. (April 2010). Water in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Rebellion. P 28. Retrieved on June 26, 2014. 47  Barred D. International Peace. UN missions. 2.4.2. The United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon. P 165. IUGM. Accessed June 26, 2014. 48  J. Mendelson Forman. (October 2005). “Can he save the UN reform? Opportunities for the creation of an effective multilateral body for the twenty-first century. “Working Paper (WP) 40/2005. P. 3-5. Accessed June 26, 2014.

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