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522 Journal of the Spanish Institute for Strategic Studies N. 5 / 2015 science, information technology, computers and hyper-reality like new interacting machinery. Conflict, war or violence were a show; the monstrous drama of Karl Kraus. DIALOGUE The ROEs dialogue on two levels: • First: the enemies dialogue with one another when they use force. The best image is that of a game of cards, in which each player turns up a card (ROE) obliging the other player to do the same (his ROE), until one of them wins in the final stakes. “I make war, then I am the one who speaks, and I speak to you, my adversary; in the struggle is the word”.32 • Second: From a hierarchical point of view, the actors in charge of the operation at a tactical level communicate with those at operational level, who in turn communicate with those at strategic level. The assignation of powers to manage the ROEs depends on the military structure concerned, and is applied according to levels of authority: the head of a brigade has ROEs that differ to those of a company captain or squadron leader; each rank that applies a ROE assigned to a level must request permission. Let us now differentiate the organic military command33 from the operational,34 the former being centred on administrating resources and instructing and the second in executing and engaging in combat. This can refer to controlling the objective, providing freedom for everything else, or covering the specific aspects of how to achieve this. The important thing is its application in multinational operations and structures; we find ourselves with “task forces” formed by units from several countries: A US general, with a multinational Chief of Staff, can command a French division with two brigades, Italian and Spanish. Generally, this command will mark objectives and each national component will coordinate and apply its own procedures for achieving them. There are so many possible ways of managing ROEs as structures, which are devised prior to deployment by means of Statutes of Force Agreement (SOFA) as well as Plans and Operations Orders. While conducting operations, a brigade can find itself in a situation that requires the application of a particular ROE, whose mandate is reserved to the head of the 32  GLUCKSMANN, André, op. cit., p. 113. 33  EJÉRCITO DE TIERRA. Doctrina de empleo de las fuerzas terrestres (PD1-001). Madrid: Ejército de Tierra, 2012, p. 5.5. 34  Ibíd.

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