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525 José Miguel Alía Plana Rules of engagement and governance of agramante’s camp and dialogue creates metaphors: not only are they machines; they are also combinations of elements whose relationship or machinery enables one to harness, direct, regulate or transform the necessary energy for a given task, with a given purpose: political will resulting in a violent act, that given task being the military operation. According to the proposals contained in Deleuze and Guattari’s “The anti-Oedipus: capitalism and schizophrenia”, there are three types of machines: “social” (groups), “desiring” (individuals) and “technical” or functional, that connect the other two. The ROEs belong to the latter. Societies, according to the prevailing machine, allow for a triple taxonomy. We recognise “societies of sovereignty”, based on princely power, which used to handle simple machines, crossbows, levers, watches, sailing boats, the first armies dominated by the infantry. Later on the “disciplinary societies” appeared, based on psycho-physical dominance, with schools, barracks, hospitals and prisons as strongholds of education, socialisation and culture. Finally the “societies of control” arrived on the scene, dominating information, speed, aviation and dromology.45 Marinetti, in his futurist manifestos, hailed speed as the emblem of modernism and virility and spoke of how futurists became linked with war, violence, aviation and the militarism of the 20th Century. Information management was key to the change of model. “Disciplinary” procedures were to become the “society of control”, based on the omni-comprehension and the omni-intervention of information, verification, inspection, super-rapid technology and “InfoTech”. This brought with it computers, satellites, cybernetics, GPS, command and control systems, drones, digital technology, the Internet, algocracy.46 ROEs are another part of this macro-system. The so-called “disciplinary society” expert in psycho-physical dominance, caused world wars, mutating into a “genocidal society” when precisely such psycho-physical dominance, that desire for power, became a eugenic issue, a tool of social engineering to eliminate human groups through political decisions (the great genocides of the 20th Century), or through almost universal wars. It then became necessary to dominate violence in order to modify tendencies, domesticating fate47 and the use of statistics as a political tool. Thus it was that “the mathematics of decision-making” came into being, the Operational Military Research that seeks to apprehend reality by enumerating and cross-referencing data, adopting measures and dictating orders for their future course. Statistics would be the mathematised control and vigilance expressed in numbers and schemes; the science of silent persecution by means of “data-on-the-man”, the raw material which the bureaucracies of our century feed off. Born and expanded 45  Study of the economic politics of speed. Paul Virilio’s contributions stand out. 46  Del inglés “algocracy”, gobierno basado in the uso de algoritmos and ordenadores in la toma de decisiones. ANEESH, A., Global Labor: Algocratic Modes of Organization, Sociological Theory, nº 27 (vol. 4), 2009. 47  HACKING, Ian. La domesticación del azar. Madrid: Gedisa Editorial, 2012.

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