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558 Journal of the Spanish Institute for Strategic Studies N. 5 / 2015 Freund provides us with a far more complex definition of violence that we will reproduce here since it will help us to comprehend subsequent debate as to the limits of violence: “Violence consists of a relationship between powers, not merely between forces that develop between various individuals or human groups of varying dimensions, who renounce other ways of maintaining relations between themselves to directly or indirectly force the one party to act against its will and comply with the intentions and desires of the other under the threat of intimidation or aggressive or oppressive means, which can infringe upon the physical or moral integrity of the other party, putting at risk their material goods or their most cherished ideas and exposing them to the danger of physical annihilation in the event of alleged, deliberate or persistent resistance”.72 Freund recognises the existence of two types of violence:73 • Direct or active violence, which is the violence perpetrated during an attack, from threats to physical violence, with or without arms; • Indirect or situational violence, which is not openly apparent and is of an insidious and wide-spread nature. This category of violence has a very broad spectrum. Its most acute form is reflected in oppressive systems of social organisation (autocracies), and, at its lowest level, certain authors such as Galtung, extend this to include manipulation.74 Galtung classifies violence into four types that lead him to acknowledge Freund’s pairing: 1. Conventional, physical or psychological violence. Directly attacks the psychophysical condition of another human being. 2. Poverty. Infringes upon the basic needs of a human being. 3. Repression. Violates human rights. 4. Alienation. Adversely affects the finer needs of the human race, those connected its condition as a rational being. The last three constitute what Galtung calls structural violence, which lacks an identifiable perpetrator and which is not manifest.75 72  FREUND. Opus cit. p 84. 73  Ibid p 85 - 86. 74  Ibid. p 88. 75  GALTUNG Opus cit. pp. 98-99.

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