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80 Revista del Instituto Español de Estudios Estratégicos (IEEE) Núm. 5 / 2015 JANSEN, Christian, WITTEK, Kai y otros, Tackling the Productivity challenge, edición online de Mckensey&Company, 2013 y accessible en mckingsey-future-european-defence-tackling-productivity-challenge/p31216. Letter of Intent Framework Agreement Treaty, Versión consultada en https// uk/letter-of-intent-reestructuring-the-european-defence-industry. LINDSTRAM, Gustav, The Headline Goal, Paris, European Institute for Security Studies, 2007. MAJOR, CLAUDIA, France, Germany and European Defence: more pragmatism and less pathos, please, Paris, Institut Français des Relations Internationales, 2013. MARINA, Claudia, The Trials and tribulations of European Defence Co-operation, Centre for European Reform, 2013. Accesible a través de default/files/publications/attachments/pdf/2013/pbrilf_trialstrib_24july2013- 7692pdf. MASSON, Hélène (coord.), Security of Supply challenges and European Defence Technological and Industrial Base: debates & dilemmas, Paris, Fondation pour la Recherche Stratégique, Note 26/13, 2013. PINTADO RODRÍGUEZ, César, “Pooling and Sharing” y la industria europea de defensa. Viejas ideas para nuevas soluciones, Madrid, Instituto Español de Estudios Estratégicos. Documento de Opinión 104/2013. VEDRINE, Hubert, Report for the President of the French Republic on the consequences of France´s return to NATO´s Integrated Military Command, on the future of Transatlantic Relations, and the outlook for the Europe of Defence, Paris, 2012. Accesible en french-defence/international-organization-in/nato/france-and-nato/article/ hubert-vedrine-report-submitted-to. VVAA, Military Capability Development in the Framework of the Common Security and Defence Policy, Chipre, Ed. CY2012EU, 2012. __________________________________________________________________ - Artículo recibido: 27 de julio de 2014. - Artículo aceptado: 5 de febrero de 2015. _____________________________________________________________

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