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228 Journal of The Spanish Institute for Strategic Studies N. 3 / 2014 Spanish and English. As demonstrated by the 35 articles published to date, the journal places special emphasis on a cross-cutting approach to security. The topics that have been most frequently addressed are: defence economics (five), the foreign and common security policy of the European Union (four), international insurgency and terrorism (three) and new defence and security technologies (three). Nevertheless, along with the military world, the people who have shown most interest in these topics are university teaching staff. Of the 35 articles published to date, five were written by senior professors, 14 by tenured professors, 11 by university lecturers and 8 by persons working in think tanks or research institutes. Furthermore, external evaluators are PhDs who work primarily at the university level. This, the third issue of the IEEE journal deals with highly interesting topics. Firstly, Miguel Ángel Franco García, auditor commander and doctor of law, analyses the trend towards the integration of civil and military capabilities in the maritime field, a process that led to the approval of the Maritime Security Strategy in Spain and paved the way for the EU, which is currently undertaking the same process. The second article, by Daniel Rey Moral, lieutenant auditor and doctor of law, aims to demonstrate how Resolution 1325 of the UN Security Council on Women, Peace and Security led to the adoption of a gender approach in Spanish legislation and particularly in the Organic Law on the Disciplinary Regime of the Armed Forces. In the third article, Katarína Svitková, a research assistant at the International Security Studies Group and postgraduate student at Charles University in Prague, aims to demonstrate that there is a growing interest in research into security in cities in response to contemporary threats. In her paper, she discusses two approaches which are, in her opinion, the increasing militarisation of urban spaces and the elements and functions most vulnerable to natural forces and human action. In the fourth article, Ángel Gómez de Ágreda addresses the consequences of climate change for the Arctic and beyond the Polar Circle. This study called for a dynamic analysis of all the factors involved, beyond a sequential view of local scenarios, and advocates a more spherical view of the Earth, rather than the obvious cylindrical view that overlooks the Polar Regions because they are impassable. In the fifth article, professor of International Public Law and International Relations at the University of Murcia, Cesáreo Gutiérrez Espada, deals with the implementation of the Responsibility to Protect concept, which requires a revision of the right of veto in the Security Council. Also on the subject of the responsibility to protect, lieutenant auditor and doctor of law, Marina de Luengo, argues that to achieve this protection, states will have to introduce national laws against war crimes, genocide and crimes against humanity in

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