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248 Journal of the Spanish Institute for Strategic Studies N. 3 / 2014 disasters like the sinking of the Prestige, which is expressly mentioned61) can materialise. However, because of the discontinuity of national territory and dependence on maritime traffic, protecting this area is of central importance62. The strong desire for integration is reflected throughout the Strategy, and can be summarised as follows: “at national and European level, maritime surveillance and security must be addressed through the efficient integration of civil and military resources”63. To overcome excessive compartmentalisation, overlapping and duplications, a new institutional structure was created, in which the Spanish Security Council is the highest political body responsible for advising the prime minister and managing crises64. In these types of initiatives, we see a basic shortcoming: the absence of an organ to address matters relating to maritime security in a comprehensive manner. 2.3.2. The National Security Strategy 65The aforementioned document provides a general overview of national security, and openly promotes citizen engagement and public-private sector collaboration. Starting with Chapter 1, entitled A comprehensive view of National Security, where National Security66 is described as a “public service under State policy that requires the collaboration of society as a whole”67, the matter is addressed in a specific and satisfactory manner; Chapter 3 looks at the issue of vulnerability in the maritime area and Chapter 4 is devoted to maritime security. The formal and material correction of the comprehensive approach to National 61  Estrategia Española de Seguridad, p. 75. 62  In the interview with Javier Solana, no. 275, Revista Española de Defensa, 2011, p. 14. 63  Estrategia Española de Seguridad, p. 35. 64  It should be pointed out that, pursuant to the provisions of Article 1.a of Royal Decree 436/2002, of 10 May, (BOE no. 113, 11 May), the head of the National Intelligence Centre (CNI), with the rank of Secretary of State Director of the CNI, is appointed by Royal Decree at the proposal of the Minister of Defence. 65  Available at the following website: 97E5-46DA-A53E-DB7F24D5887D/0/Seguridad_1406connavegacionfinalaccesiblebpdf.pdf. The National Security Strategy was approved on 30 May 2013. 66  LABORIE IGLESIAS, Mario: La Estrategia de Seguridad Nacional (mayo 2013), Documento de Análisis 34/2013, IEES, 2013_MLI.pdf. DEL VADO, Santiago: “Nueva estrategia de seguridad nacional”, Revista Española de Defensa, no. 297, pp. 6-11. 67  Vid. Estrategia Española de Seguridad, p. 5.

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