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251 Miguel Ángel Franco García From national defence directive to national maritime security strategy: trend towards the integration of civil and military capabilities in the maritime field and the private sector. 2.4. The National Maritime Security Strategy: a broad and comprehensive view of maritime security Following its approval by the National Security Council, the must-anticipated National Maritime Security Strategy76 came into force as a secondary strategy on 5 December 2013. The preamble set out a number of the elements underpinning Spain’s ambitions in the maritime field, that is to say, fisheries; sea transportation, particularly in relation to energy supply and foreign trade, and marine biodiversity. Recognition of the difficulty of control in a huge globalised environment like that of the sea was the first step in the creation of an institutional framework that is conducive to coordination and cooperation between the different stakeholders. The approach taken by the National Maritime Security Strategy (hereinafter, the Strategy) and enshrined in the declaration of principles in Chapter One, aims for the consolidation of a key aspect for maritime security, that is to say, the integration of public and private resources and capabilities, as well as those of organisations, at every level and working top-down. Although the concept of maritime security is not univocal in doctrine77, the Strategy – aiming, in our opinion, to overcome the sterile conceptual differences between the notions of maritime safety (seguridad/sécurité) and maritime security (protección/sûreté)78 - embodies an inclusive definition that encompasses both the risks and threats endogenous to ships (technical and operational inspections, the regulation of maritime traffic, etc.) and the environment in which it moves, i.e., the factors affecting security in navigation and the marine environment, as well as others of exogenous origin, and derived from the deliberate commission of unlawful acts. 76  Estrategia de Seguridad Marítima Nacional. 29F6-4862-A7B7-3B04C2AD0247/255435/20131333_completo_05dic13_1130h.pdf. 77  Among many others, vid. ZAMORA ROSELLÓ, María Remedios: Régimen jurídico de la seguridad marítima, Santa Cristina (A Coruña), Netbiblo, 2009, p. 3. SOBRINO HEREDIA, José Manuel: “La protección marítima, nueva dimensión de la política marítima de la Unión Europea”, Revista de Derecho Comunitario Europeo, no. 277, 2007, pp. 419. DOMÍNGUEZ CABRERA, María del Pino: “Concepto e instrumentos legales de protección marítima”, Anuario de Derecho Marítimo, no. 28, 2011, p. 163. ODIER, Françoise: “La sécurité maritime: une notion complexe, le rôle des organisations internationales dans son élaboration”, Annuaire du Droit de la Mer, tome 3, 1998, pp. 235-243 78  BOISSON, Philippe: “La sûreté des navires et la prévention des actes de terrorisme dans le domaine maritime”, Droit Maritime Français, no. 640, 2003, p. 723.

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