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266 Journal of the Spanisch Institute for Strategic Studies N. 3 / 2014 THE INCIDENCE OF THE GENDER PERSPECTIVE IN DRAFTING THE NEW ARMED FORCES DISCIPLINARY REGIME LAW INTRODUCTION Spain’s commitment within the international community to issues of Peace, Security and Defence has been demonstrated in numerous initiatives. Of these, many are closely linked to the Government Action Plan1 for the application of United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 2 on Women, Peace and Security. This Resolution, representing a substantial change in the conception of international security, has greatly influenced legislative development in some United Nations member states, which have incorporated by law into their own internal rulings the premises represented by the Gender Perspective. The influence of the Gender Perspective in the configuration of a modern legal code adapted to the 21st century has evolved gradually. It is now, with the drafting of the new Disciplinary Regime Law of the Armed Forces (still in draft phase), that this influence has again come to the fore; not only to cover the provisions of Law 30/2003, of 13th October, concerning measures for incorporating the valuation of the gender impact on regulatory provisions drawn up by the Government, but also to grant it a well-founded and necessary practical value. Using analysis as a methodological system, this paper aims at exposing in a methodical manner the global meaning of the gender perspective, the evolution of military norms inspired by the principle of material equality, and the influx of the perspective into all disciplinary types and into the special provisions of the new law, and finishing off with the main conclusions from what has gone before, which will also be presented as open lines for reflection and future research. As primary and secondary sources of information, we have used the studies and analyses of some of the most notable national experts on gender issues in the Armed Forces, as well as contributions from lawyers of considerable renown in the field; and, of course, the required documents for the drafting of the future disciplinary regime 1  Approved by the Council of Ministers, 30th November, 2007. 2  Approved at the 4213th session, held on 31st October, 2000.

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