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355 Marina de Luengo Zarzoso The legal challenges posed by the responsibility to protect in the new security and defence landscape dimensions. It includes diplomatic, political, economic and judicial measures. Only in extreme cases, and when all else fails, does it include military action. • Rebuild: this should also be one of the goals of the responsibility to protect, given that half the countries emerging from a war situation relapse into violence within five years. We should bear in mind that, very often, internal wars are caused by the persistence of poverty, discrimination and abuse. Therefore, the peace process should not conclude with the end of war if the deep root causes of the conflict are ignored. Other specific measures should be taken in areas such as security, justice, reconciliation and development. It has also been said that another key factor for a healthy reconstruction is an end to the impunity of the perpetrators of serious violations of human rights12; this includes judicial, criminal, political, moral and historical impunity. The subject of impunity will be addressed in more detail later on. It should be pointed out that the members of the High-level Panel all agree that “we live in a world of new and evolving threats, threats that could not have been anticipated when the UN was founded in 1945; each state requires international cooperation to make it secure”13. There are six clusters of threats14 with which the world must be concerned: • War between states • Violence within states, including civil war, large-scale human rights abuses and genocide • Poverty, infectious disease and environmental degradation • Nuclear, radiological, chemical and biological weapons • Terrorism • Transnational organised crime Accordingly, at the UN World Summit held in September 2005, the member states officially accepted the principle of the responsibility to protect. The resolution was adopted by consensus15 and is one of the greatest achievements of the international 12  Vid. internacional-en-homenaje-a-embajador-harald-edelstam-estocolmo-17-de-abril-de- 2012-roberto-garreton/. 13  Vid. SANCHEZ DE ROJAS DIAZ, E., “El terrorismo y la responsabilidad de proteger…cit., pag. 76. 14  Vid. SANCHEZ DE ROJAS DIAZ, E., “El terrorismo y la responsabilidad de proteger…cit., pag. 76. 15  The unanimous approval by the General Assembly was achieved, albeit with initial opposition

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