Presentation of Issue nº 9 of the Spanish Institute for Strategic Studies (IEEE) Magazine - Miguel Ángel Ballesteros Martín - Presentation of Issue nº 9 of the Spanish Institute for Strategic Studies (IEEE) Magazine - Miguel Ángel Ballesteros Martín


209 JOURNAL OF THE SPANISH INSTITUTE FOR STRATEGIC STUDIES Miguel Ángel Ballesteros Martín Brigadier Director of the Spanish Institute for Strategic Studies PRESENTATION OF ISSUE Nº 9 OF THE SPANISH INSTITUTE FOR STRATEGIC STUDIES (IEEE) MAGAZINE It is my pleasure to present Issue nº 9 of the Spanish Institute for Strategic Studies (IEEE) Magazine, thus keeping the date it has with readers every semester. This magazine deals with many security and defense subjects from multiple points of view, and seeks to base itself not only on the scientific world in Spanish but also on that in English. This issue includes six articles which rigorously deal with six subjects of great interest, as well as critiques of two books. In the first article, entitled “Proxy Wars in Cyberspace”, its author Manuel R. Torres Soriano, full Professor of Political Science at the University Pablo de Olavide in Seville, analyzes the so-called proxy wars, or low-cost wars, which resort to cyber-proxies to obscure State responsibility for notably delinquent activities, or for espionage. In an environment of great uncertainty, proxies are able to initiate and maintain low-intensity cyber conflicts which could, nevertheless, be assumed and strengthened by the States. Civilian-military relations are the frequent subject of many studies, but it is not common to find a methodology that can help in the complete analysis of this question. In his article, “Definition of a Procedure for the Analysis of Models of Civilian- Military Relations”, the doctoral student in the program “Government and Culture of Organizations” at the University of Navarra, Brigadier General Salvador Sánchez Tapia, proposes a model with which to reach this objective. After presenting the conceptual fundamentals of the model, four areas are developed to focus the investigation and apply it to two western democracies: the United Kingdom and Greece. The study of war from the point of view of mass communication is particularly attractive thanks to the work of Frigate Captain Manuel García Ruiz, author of article nº 3, entitled, “The Political Cartoon: the New Weapon during World War”. Beyond the historical research about World War I, the study of the graphic propaganda published during this conflict shows us the true impact that it had on the population. As the author points out, in a world without television, with cinema

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