Defining a model for analysis of civil-military relations patterns - Salvador Sánchez Tapia - Defining a model for analysis of civil-military relations patterns - Salvador Sánchez Tapia


231 JOURNAL OF THE SPANISH INSTITUTE FOR STRATEGIC STUDIES Salvador Sánchez Tapia Doctoral candidate in the Program “Government and Culture of the Organizations” of the University of Navarre. E-mail: DEFINING A MODEL FOR ANALY-SIS OF CIVIL-MILITARY RELATIONS PATTERNS Abstract Following Huntington’s construct in The Soldier and the State, healthy civil-military relations (CMR) strike a balance between two impera-tives -functional and societal- which maximizes military effectiveness without harming the democratic nature of the state. Maintaining the stability of a CMR pattern demands constant monitoring, so as to be able to identify flaws that might break the balance. The paper proposes a model for analysis of CMR patterns that covers four areas: Professional Autonomy, Military Participation in Policy-ma-king, Relation of the Military with its Civil Society, and Military Non-partisanship. It then tries to define the optimum point of balance in each area to outline how an “ideal” CMR profile should look like. The paper, then, applies the model to two cases that are compared against the proposed one. At the end, the paper draws some general conclu-sions and identifies issues left open for further research. Keywords Civil-Military Relations, Professional Autonomy, Defense, Policy, So-ciety, Non-Partisanship.

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