Ethical leadership and responsible management as levers for improvement in security, emergency and defence organisations - Carlos García-Guiu López - Ethical leadership and responsible management as levers for improvement in security, emergency and defence organisations - Carlos García-Guiu López


347 JOURNAL OF THE SPANISH INSTITUTE FOR STRATEGIC STUDIES Carlos García-Guiu López Lieutenant-Colonel, Engineers. Doctor of Psychology. Directorate of Research, Doc-trine, Organisation and Material. Joint Centre, University of Granada-Training and Doctrine Command. E-mail: ETHICAL LEADERSHIP AND RES-PONSIBLE MANAGEMENT AS LEVERS FOR IMPROVEMENT IN SECURITY, EMERGENCY AND DEFENCE ORGA-NISATIONS Abstract Society expects the heads of institutions to uphold an ongoing ethical commitment and to manage public and private organisations with the greatest level of responsibility possible. This expectation is reflected in legislative reforms in Spain and in the growing implementation of the current Spanish strategy for social responsibility by the Public Admi-nistration. This paper sets out the proactive role that ethical leadership and social responsibility should play as two levers for improvement in the running and management of security and defence institutions in Spain, as well as for helping to promote the commitment, innovation and quality of public services. The exercise of ethical leadership is based on justice, respect for people, transparency, participation and sustainability. A culture of responsibi-lity should be developed in line with the current Spanish strategy for social responsibility in order to foster the improvement of institutions at all levels, an increase in efficiency, and the provision of a better ser-vice to society.

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