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Javier Lion Bustillo The Islamic State and Jabhat al-Nusra; new actors in... 317 SAAB, Bilal, “Beware of Radicalism in Lebanese Prisons”, The Daily Star, 23/08/2010. At (accessed on 15/02/2015). SAAB, Bilal and RANSTORP, Magnus, “Securing Lebanon from the Threat of Salafist Jihadism”, Studies in Conflict and Terrorism, vol. 30, 2007, pp. 825-855. SAAD, Hwaida and GLADSTONE, Rick, “Border fighting intensifies between ISIS and Lebanon”, The New York Times, 04/08/2014. SEURAT, Michel, “Le quartier de Bab Tebbané à Tripoli (Liban). Étuded’une asabiyyaurbaine”, in Michel Seurat (Ed.), L’état de barbarie, Paris: Seuil, 1989. SIDDIQ, Nazih, “Guns fall silent in Lebanon´s Tripoli as army moves in”, Reuters, 27/10/2014. At idUSKBN0IP18T20141105?feedType=RSS&feedName=worldNews (accessed on 20/12/2014). THE DAILY STAR, “Hariri won´t return to a Hezbollah-controlled Lebanon: Fatfat”, The Daily Star, 12/10/2014. At News/2014/Oct-12/273771-army-lacks-even-handed-approach-fatfat.ashx?utm_ source=Magnet&utm_medium=Recommended%20Articles%20widget&utm_ campaign=Magnet%20tools#ixzz3J88Snt2H (accessed on 13/06/2015). THE DAILY STAR, “Hezbollah recruiting non-Shiites for ISIS fight. Report”, The Daily Star, 12/11/2014. At News/2014/Oct-12/273771-army-lacks-even-handed-approach-fatfat.ashx?utm_ source=Magnet&utm_medium=Recommended%20Articles%20widget&utm_ campaign=Magnet%20tools#ixzz3J88Snt2H (accessed on 19/12/2014). THE DAILY STAR, “Clashes reignite between ISIS, Nusra on Lebanon-Syria border”, The Daily Star, 08/02/2016. At aspx?id=336222&mode=print (accessed on 2/03/2016). VLOEBERGHS, Ward, “The Hariri Political Dynasty after the Arab Spring”, Mediterranean Politics, vol. 17, no. 2, 2012, pp. 241-248. WINSLOW, Charles, “Lebanon. War and Politics in a Fragmented Society”, London: Routledge, 1996. Glossary Abdullah Azzam Brigades: Salafist organisation linked to Al-Qaeda that has been carrying out attacks both in Lebanon and neighbouring countries since 2009. Islamic State of Iraq: name adopted by Abu Omar al-Baghdadi in 2006 from Jama’at al-Tawhid wal-Jihad. It became the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) in 2013 and the Islamic State (IS) in 2014. Fatah al-Islam: group of jihadist fighters of different nationalities that emerged in the Palestinian Nahr al-Bared refugee camp in 2006.

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