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361 Carlos García-Guiu López Ethical leadership and responsible management... The FAS are institutions that could use SR not only as a way of explaining what they are, what they do and what their projects are59 but also as a means of improving their own internal functioning, their commitment to society and their reputation60 61. Since 2014, all Spanish organisations and state organisations and institutions must be committed to the joint strategy on social responsibility published by the government. The development of social responsibility requires everybody to promote values upon which a cohesive society based on sustainable economic and environmental systems should be built. This responsibility can be seen through the development of initiatives that promote the principles of efficiency, transparency, ethics and good governance, social cohesion and inclusion, commitment to the local community, protection of the environment, service to the community, professional training and development, integration and equal opportunities, among others. A priori, it could be considered that Social Responsibility in public administrations or in the armed forces is not necessary as this is an intrinsic part of their functioning. However, what we have seen in all institutions over recent years is the progressive formal introduction of management systems that several years previously were unknown and considered superfluous. Management systems dealing with occupational risk protection, environmental management and the introduction of systems for quality and excellence management should be highlighted. Progress and the transformation of society have made it necessary for institutions to modernise and to develop new procedures that will allow them to be in line with governmental strategies and the society they serve, and to promote a collaborative and integrated approach to working together with different state actors. The natural trend should be for all state institutions to incorporate the concept of Social Responsibility into their organisational procedures and culture. In order to do this, they would need to revise and adapt their management procedures and labour standards. In the case of armed forces, the development of plans and projects for SR can be done using objectives for good governance, and social, environmental and economic 59  MORENO, Rafael. SICOM, la herramienta de comunicación del Ejército de Tierra español, Estudios sobre el mensaje periodístico, 14, 2008, p. 527-541. 60  BERNAL, Juan Andrés, DE NIEVES, Carmen y BRIONES, Antonio Juan. Implantación de la Responsabilidad Social en la Administración Pública: el caso de las Fuerzas Armadas Españolas. Revista de Responsabilidad Social de la Empresa, 18, 2014, p. 101-124. 61  The Chilean Armed Forces has produced social responsibility reports since 2006. The most recent one is the Army’s report from 2014. html? pdf%26path%3Ddocumentos.

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