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Sanid. mil. 2019; 75 (1)  3 Sanidad Militar Revista de Sanidad de las Fuerzas Armadas de España Sanid. mil. Volumen 75, número 1. ISSN: 1887-8571 Enero-marzo 2019 CONTENTS EDITORIAL 5 The Challenge of Privacy in Healthcare Delgado Gutiérrez JA. ORIGINAL ARTICLE Microbiological Control of the Food Served in Children’s Education Centres of the Ministry of Defense in 2017 Lozano Benito D., Rípodas Navarro A., Fernández-Moreira D., Bayarri Fernández S., Lázaro Gistau R., Zamora Benito A. 7 SUMMARY: Introduction: Infants and children are more vulnerable to foodborne illnesses than other demographic population. In recent years, foodborne outbreaks have been reported in kindergartens because of the presence of pathogenic agents like Sal-monella spp., Listeria monocytogenes and Cronobacter sakazakii. Objective: To determine the microbiological quality of foods ready for consumption in Kindergarten foodservices regarding food safety and process hygiene criteria. Materials and Methods: 241 food samples from the initiation menu and full menu were analyzed in 13 Kindergartens. Salmonella spp. and Cronobacter spp. were investigated and an enumeration of L. monocytogenes and of the hygiene indicator microorganisms (mesophilic aerobes, enterobacteriaceae, β-glucuronidase positive Escherichia coli, total coliforms and Staphylococcus aureus) was carried out. Results: No Salmonella spp. or L. monocytogenes were isolated from any of the samples. Cronobacter spp. was isolated in the fresh salad of a second plate. E. coli was not detected in any sample and the results shown in the rest of the hygiene indicators were the following: mesophilic aerobes 36,10 %, enterobacteriaceae 13,28 %, total coliforms 7,47 % and S. aureus 4,14 %. The fruits group was always the one that showed the highest prevalence in all the parameters, followed by the second courses mainly due to the presence of fresh salads. Conclusions: According to the microbiological results obtained, it is considered that the meals served have a high level of microbiological quality. KEYWORDS: Microbiological quality, Kindergarten, Food safety. Detection and Identification of Synthetic Cannabinoids in Solid and Biological Samples. Martínez-Galdámez ME., Llorente Ballesteros MT., Urquía Grande ML., López Colón JL. 14 SUMMARY: Introduction Synthetic cannabinoids (SC) are substances that mimic the effects of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). SCs do not cause a positive drug test for marijuana or other illegal drugs, since they are not detectable in standard drug tests. Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS) is one of the most commonly used techniques for analysis of synthetic cannabinoids. We present a method for the detection and quantitation of several urinary synthetic cannabinoids metabolites by high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with high resolution mass spectrometry (HPLC-HRMS). Objectives: Iden-tification of SC in suspicious solid samples by GC.MS, and optimization and implementation of an analytical method for the detection of SC in urine, using HPLC tandem with HRMS. Material and methods: Analysis of solid samples: A total of eight samples received were analyzed for identification and confirmation. Urine analysis: We analyzed a total of 30 urine samples with possible suspicion of having used synthetic cannabis. Results: In the present project, synthetic cannabinoids were identified 8 in 8 herbal incense products by employing GC-MS and 2 were determined in 30 urine samples by HPLC. Conclusions: Like all other drugs of abuse, the confirmation analysis is based on GC-MS. We have optimized and implemented an analytical method for the detection of SCs in urine, using a HPLC tandem with HRMS as an analytical technique. The analytical method is believed to have been satisfactorily developed which is proved by the data gathered from the studies carried out proving thus its adequacy to the previewed use. Further research might include the analysis of the CBS in biological liquids (hair, saliva) which presents added advantages such as the reduction of the procedure time, its less invasive character and greater precision. KEYWORDS: Synthetic cannabinoids. Spice. TECHNICAL NOTE Positive assessment of drugs: September, October and November 2018 Aparicio Hernández R., García Luque A., Pérez Morán MªJ., Cabanes Mariscal MªÁ. 19 SUMMARY: This paper reviews the drugs assessed by the Spanish Agency for Medicines and Health Products or the European Medicines Agency made public in September, October and November of 2018, and considered of interest to the health care pro-fessional. These are positive technical reports prior to the authorization and placing of the product on the market. KEYWORDS: Antígenos de superficie inactivados del virus de la gripe, hemaglutinina y neuraminidasa (Flucelvax tetra®); Apalut-amida (Erleada®); Brigatinib (Alunbrig®); Damoctocog alfa pegol (Jivi®); Doravirina (Pifeltro®); Doravirina, Lamivudina, Teno-fovir disoproxilo (Delstrigo®); Galcanezumab (Emgality®); Glicopirronio/Formoterol fumarato dihidrato (Bevespi aerosphere®); Macimorelina (Macimorelin aeterna zentaris®); Meropenem/Vaborbactam (Vabomere®); Ladanelumab (Takhzyro®); Mexiletina (Namuscla®); Mogamulizumab (Poteligeo®); Paclitaxel (Apealea®); Pegfilgrastim (Fulphila®; Pelmeg®; Ziextenzo®); Trastuzumab (Ogivri®); Vacuna viva atenuada tetravalente del dengue (Dengvaxia®); Voretigene neparvovec (Luxturna®). REPORTS Health capacity of the strategic projection warship Juan Carlos I. Medical lessons identified after the FLOTEX-17 maneouvers Navarro Suay R., Tamburri Bariain R., Sánchez del Valle FJ., Pérez Alé M., Hernández-Abadía de Barbará A., Almazor Iribarren MA., Fernández Martínez F., López Soberón E., García Cañas R., Plaza Torres JF. 27 SUMMARY: Strategic projection warship L-61 Juan Carlos I (L-61 JC I) is the largest ship that the Spanish Navy has had in its history. This warship can develop four mission profiles: amphibian, aircraft carrier, strategic transport and humanitarian aid.

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