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Sanidad Militar Revista de Sanidad de las Fuerzas Armadas de España Sanid. mil. Volumen 75, número 4. ISSN: 1887-8571 Octubre-Diciembre 2019 CONTENTS EDITORIAL 189 Listeriosis: key facts of an outbreak Ballesteros Arribas JM 191 Ebola fever: a lethal zoonoses Galán Torres JA ORIGINAL ARTICLE 191 Psychological assessment of candidates armed forces offcers and NCO´S. Infuence of social desirability. Martínez Sanz M SUMMARY: Introduction: Analysis on the importance of performing optimum selective process of candidates Armed Forces offcers and NCO´s. Objetive: To assess the frequency of the psychological evaluations performed to candidates offcers and NCO´s and the variables involved, as well as to describe the normative context and the diffculties that may arise. Material and method: Observational, transversal and retrospective study of candidates offcers and NCO´s declared as “provisionally not suitable” according to the Armed Forces Personality Inventory (IPFAS) carried out during July and August 2016. These people were assessed at the Reconnaissance Unit located in HCD Gomez Ulla in order to determine if they met the medi-cal exclusion criteria according to existing legislation. Results: 114 candidates out of a total of 1542 (7.39%) were identifed whose scores indicated personality misadjustments. For these individuals, the assessments consisted of clinical interview and Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory. 32 candidates were found “not suitable” (2.07% of the total). Conclussions: It would be convenient to take beneft from personality measurements provided by IPFAS in order to select future commanders based on possession of personal qualities or attributes related to professional success, regardless of the medical assessment exploring mental pathology, as well as coming up with a solution allowing to take a decision on the suitability of the candidates that distort and invalidate the tests as a consequence of a social desirability abnormally elevated. KEYWORDS: Military psychology, Armed Forces, psychological assessment, personality, social desirability 203 Mental disorder malingering detection with MMPI-2-RF, PAI and SIMS in a military analog design. García Silgo M SUMMARY: The studies in military malingering have always been increased in war times, but it´s not until World War II when the frst evidenced based studies arise. Since then, hundreds of studies have been done with different diagnostic tests to determine the classifcation capacity of their detection scales. Among the tests with more evidence demonstrated are The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI), The Personality Assessment Inventory (PAI) and The Structured Inventory of Malingered Symptomatology (SIMS). Objective: To analyze the classifcation capacity of the Spanish version of MMPI-2-RF, PAI and SIMS in a Spanish military sample (N = 342) –naive in psychopathology, either in malingering scales-. Method: An analog design was used with control group (n = 95), analog group of general psychopathology (n = 70), analog group of depression (n = 90) and analog group of anxiety (n = 87). Data analysis was done with Statistical Package SPSS 19.0 and there were used Chi-Square Pearson, One-way ANOVA, One-way ANCOVA, Eta squared, Bonferroni and Cohen´s d. Results: All the scales of the three instruments were higher scores in analog groups than in control, except those that measure positive impresion, where these three groups were below. In addition, all malingering scales of the three tests differ between control group and analog groups. The best detection scales were for the MMPI-2-RF: F-r, Fs, FBS-r and Fp-r, in this order; for the PAI: IMN, SIM and FDR, in this order; and for the SIMS: Af and Total, in this order. Conclusions: MMPI-2-RF, PAI and SIMS are good instruments to discriminate between control and analog fakers. KEY WORDS: Malingering, fake bad, psychodiagnostic, military, analog design, MMPI-2-RF, PAI, SIMS. REVIEW 214 Infuence of vitamin D on the osseointegration of dental implants. Megino Blasco L ,Romeo Rubio, M., Fernández Tresguerres, I., Mena Herrero, T., Molinero Mourelle, P. y Martín Pérez, R. SUMMARY: Objective: To determine the infuence of vitamin D on the osseointegration of dental implants. Material and meth-ods: A comprehensive search of the literature databases (Pubmed, Cochrane and Google Scholar), along with cross-referencing published peer-reviewed articles, was conducted. The search include full text without restriction of date or language. Results: A total of 25 articles were selected from the reviewed articles, most of them being animal research studies or “in vitro” studies. Only 4 of the selected articles are from human research. Discusión: Vitamin D is a fat-soluble molecule derived from cholesterol, is of great importance in bone metabolism, favoring bone mineralization. Studies in this regard seem to indicate that vitamin D levels are an important infuence on the osseointegration process, infuencing bone metabolism and peri-implant immune response. Conclusions: Experimental studies in animals have shown that there is a direct relationship between vitamin D defciency and al-terations in the osseointegration of implants in early stages. In humans, the defcit of this vitamin is also associated with the early failure of dental implants, however this statement has not yet been proven. On the other hand, the use of vitamin supplements in people with vitamin D defciency has been related to the survival of dental implants in this type of patients, as well as it has been observed that vitamin D levels are related to the appearance and progress of peri-implant diseases. KEY WORDS: Implants, osseointegration, vitamin D, implant failure. . Sanid. mil. 2019; 75 (4) 187

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